Home Group Discussion-OutSeason November 2010

The Week 2 Day Off Thread

Yep.  Only 2 weeks in I know, but my legs are looking forward to a day off, especially in light of the bike coming tomorrow.

Hope everyone is going to have a nice relaxing day/night. 


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    I definitely feel like I need a day of rest. My legs are a bit sore from Wednesday's run. However, I felt good on the bike yesterday and my legs are passing the "going upstairs test".

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    My legs were trashed last night. The Runs are what put me over the edge especially with my lack of running since August

    Cleaning the CX bike tonight and making sure its shifts okay. I've bent my hanger twice in the last month and its on its last leg. I think staying on the bike would fix the issue.

    Looking forward to not being on the trainer or treadmill tonight!!!!


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    I'm digging the rest day. Right hamstring is still a bit sore and trying hard to rehab it back to 100% by Saturday's workout. Hot tub, foam roller, and sleep!  Still trying to get to sleep early so I get a full 8.  Think that's the main reason the hamstring isn't 100% yet.  I may have to give up caffeine!

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    I'm cream-crackered and it'll be strictly TV only for me tonight! I flattened myself at a 10K last Sunday and the fatigue hung around all week, through those bike/brick sessions, birthday celebrations and wrangling with my boss over promotions and pay rises! My 'swim on the rest days' idea has gone out the window this week for sure! Enjoy your recovery everyone ;-)
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    PT today.

    Good news is that the hammy may be a manageable issue.

    Ready to hammer tomorrow.

    and yes, my legs are tired even tho it's week 2. And I kinda like that, means we're working, no matter what number week we're on!
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    I did a yoga class today - always wanted to do one before but was too busy training the LSD stuff in the off-season. My strength seems okay - but my balance and flexibility are embarrassing.

    So - question. Is this worth it? Or is it like strength training - not a good ROI. Any thoughts?
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    @ Joe - I can't offer a 'qualified' answer, but I have never known anyone that complained that they were too flexible or got injured because of it. The balance thing may be different. If it is core issue you can strengthen it, but if you have something physiologically going on... well, one of the Dr's may need to chime in.

    I've never taken a yoga class but I always spend 5 minutes stretching after every run and most rides too. It works for me. Just my 2 cents.
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    Joe,   I would recommend the yoga very highly.  I did Bikram yoga in preparations for IMWisc last year, it greatly helped in overall flexibility but especially with my pelvis which really helped my run.  I also felt the breathing work helped with my swim.

    Injury prevention is another great benefit.  With the Bikram there is also the weight loss associated with it.  So not only would I recommend it, I would make the time for it.


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    I'm enjoying the day off. I have hit each workout--except I skipped one brick run. I did space one week out a couple early as I was heading on vacation.

    My endless battle with ITBand issues is continuing. So I'm going to crank on HBO and break out the foam roller while watching a movie.

    The one bummer so far is that I have gained three pounds since starting the OS. THe joys of vacation--and lack of discipline.
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