I am a noob, and I have a question about the 'strides' exercise that I am hoping someone can help me with...
I naturally run at between 92-98 strides per minute. From what I have ready of the 'strides' exercise (and having done it the way I thought it was supposed to be performed), I don't understand what I am supposd to be doing? I will count for 30' and I end up in the mid-90s on strides whether I focus on it or not...does that mean 'I am good', or am I missing something?
Anyone with any pointers? Thanks guys!
Hi Stephen. I think your misunderstanding the "Strides" part of our workouts with Steps per Minute. See this thread that another newbie recently started which provides some help on what you should be doing for those 30 second intervals:
Awesome...thanks for the information. I read through that thread...that helped for sure!