tendonitis in knee
I used to have tendonitis in my knee, when I used to play soccer, and am getting a little of the same soreness again now. from time to time, over the past 24 months, have had a day or two where my knee got sore, but, it has always gone away. i am having a little tenderness/soreness now, even during the off days and down time. i wrapped up Austin 70.3 in October, took 2 weeks almost completely off, then jumped into the OS Nov 1 and started experiencing soreness on Monday this week.
With all of that said...what should be doing to treat it? is there any reason would need to stand down from training? it been performance inhibitting so far, in fact, I really notice it during exercise.
Thanks for your thoughts!
The thing with tendonitis is that when it makes the shift from acute (first 1-7 days old) to chronic (weeks + months) it becomes much more difficult to deal with and can stick around even with complete rest etc. This is because the tendon actually changes (it dries out and loses that elasticity that makes it work properly). when this happens, the easiest route is to just get the area dug out by a pro who will get not only the affected muscles but the ones that have taken a hit by compensating.
Just to clarify though- "knee tendonitis" is pretty vague. we talking front of the knee near the knee cap or back of the knee by the hamstring tendons or on the side by the IT band???
Things you should be doing in the mean time while you set up that appointment to get it dug out by your sports massage or ART/graston dude.
1) stretching like it's your job. don't let the decreased activity level let things stiffen up more than they already have. Go to athletestreatingathletes.com for help and pictures on some examples. the key is frequency, frequency, frequency, especially if you sit at work all day.
2) ice your knee 2-3x/day to help decrease inflammation.
Thanks for the thoughts!
Don't know if this will help at all, but I battled patellar tendonitis for a little over a year. Basically, lots of stretching, icing, heat (my PT was a little surprised that this felt so good to me ... but it did). When it first flared up, I ran through the pain. I didn't go see the doctor until walking became a pain!
One thing that my PT had me doing was a fair bit of body-weight squats and some lunges. Apparently, my kneecaps don't track quite right, and that was somehow straining my patellar tendons. So we worked on that.
Good luck! And be careful -- I think this is something that (for me at least) could have been cleared up with a week's worth of rest and major TLC. Instead, I ignored it and was sidelined for a year. But I'm sure you're smarter than I am!
For more general sore knees i've found that ice, stretching, and very light leg extenstions at the gym really helps. Depending how my knees feels I will replace run workouts with bike workouts for a week.
Thanks for your help everyone!
same problem here. just flared up for the first time ever about 10 days after my marathon (joined EN too late for RnP to talk me out of the race). been a problem for several weeks now, after a few short test runs, and crazed dash through IAH sunday. will report back after i see the PT. ice and advil and stretching in the mea time.