Home OutSeason (December '09)

Any Dec OS Week 1 or early Week Two thoughts so far?

So far one bike workout into week two and I'm completely psyched up about doing work at this time of the year. Well it's supposed to be cold and wet here for my run tomorrow morning, so that might make it uh, "interesting", but I'm still psyched.

How are the other Dec OS people feeling?


  • I am pumped as well. I had started doing some speed work on my own after continually doing base training for almost a year...I know that sounds ridiculous. Any-who, I was noticing how much faster I was getting, then I got a hold of EN's stuff and really started to drop the hammer. Finally, I went ahead and bought a training plan and when I did that got an invitation to join the team and so I am pumped to be here, doing this kind of focused and rewarding training. I am trusting RnP...'
  • All going well so far - did the bike & run tests - bike tests I've done in the past so kinda knew what to expect, run test however was complete 'bandit country' !
    Now know how those threshold intervals on the runs will feel like! Looking forward to it and seeing how the old body reacts.
  • I've been able to do the bike test on a trainer, but not the run test. Plan to do it this Saturday at the local Jungle Bell 5K. Do I get extra points if I'm dressed as an elf? I have never, ever done tests.
  • Hey Donna - we definitely need pics if you do!

  • Hello fellow December peeps. Great to see the numbers growing in the Dec. OS

    I was initially signed up to do the Nov. OS, but an abdominal injury prevented me from running.  I did all the scheduled bikes with the Nov. group and when I could start running at the beginning of December I decided to start the OS over.  So 4 weeks of EN bike work has me feeling pretty good as I start it all over again.  Don't get me wrong, I am still suffering a ton, I'm just pushing some more watts than I was.

    I did the OS last year, but did it with HR not Power.  There is no question the Power Meter  yeilds a bigger whip when it comes to pushing yourself.

    Looking forward to suffering with all of you.

    My "A" race next year is Wisconsin,  Anyone else heading out to MOO land?

  • Glad we finally got something started here. We've gotten a few more people in the last few days and we're 25+ now.

    Let's get some new threads started and keep the conversation about our training open.
  • Dec OS - Like Bob I started in an earlier OS but got "interrupted" by the birth of my son. Been a little hard to stick to a plan but my wife is a saint to let me try. Did the OS last year and it was amazing. The gains in speed were better in one OS than the previous 5 years combined. This year I am getting a TT bike to replace my old aluminum roadie with clip on aerobars. If I am not faster, I will at least look faster.

    Looking forward to suffering with all.


  • Big shout out to everyone in the December outseason group! After bounding my sched for 2010 off of RnP, we decided I would start my outseason again in December after joining up in November - gives me a better exit for the start of my 2010 season.

    Initially, the bike "work" has yielded some pretty good results. I'm already up 30 watts on my bike power (as measured via computrainer doing a winter racing series). Currently waiting for my iBike aero to arrive on Monday and I'll start using that on my rides now that I'm downing the TeamEN "power Kool-Aid".

    Look forward to sharing and hearing about everyone's successes and improvement as we start this journey together!

    giddy up!

  • 2 x 1.5mi at Zn4-5 felt a lot better than that 5K solo run test!. Pace 7:40-7:55. Aging knees and hips complained more than they did when I was chugging along at 9:15 pace (and finishing with slower than goal IM times) over the past five years. I might need to hit the pool a couple of times a week for physical therapy :-)

  • Since I have been using the YMCA spin cycle for bike lately I have noticed that I can sustain a considerably higher run HR than bike HR.  Is that normal?

  • Hey George

    I'm sure others will have more detailed response to your question, but yep - that's definitely normal. When I was training / racing with heart rate (before I converted to the TeamEN way of power and pace), my run zone 1 was at least 20 beats higher than my bike zone 1 and was about the same for my "race zones" for bike and run as well.

    I'm not paying so much attention to HR now, but in the last 6 weeks, my power output on the bike and run pace has definitely increased given the same heart-rate.

  •  LOL George.  My LTHR on the bike is 150 and my run LTHR is 165.  I did the run test first so while I was doing the bike I was thinking, "I must not be working hard enough!".  I almost killed myself trying to get my heartrate up to where it was on the run.  Ooofh.

  • Thanks.  It's good to see that I'm not alone regarding the HR differential.

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