Afternoon Snack
I'm getting into the OS and do most of the work outs immediately after work. I find a big derailer of any workout is being hungry before I start. I've cut out most processed 'crap' and would prefer to stay away from clif bars and the like.
Any suggestions on what to eat as an afternoon snack?
How do you do with dairy? I'm a fan of a half cup of cottage cheese or yogurt with honey, cinnamon, nuts, maybe fruit, etc. If I eat this around 3 or 4, I'm still pretty full by the time I get home. Of course, my tummy is sometimes a little rumbly...
Any kind of fruit and nuts or trail mix. Hydrate steadily throughout the day. I'll also do a sports drink before a later workout sometimes.
Nonfat trader joe's greek yogurt, mix in blueberries, or mix in a bag of their 'omega' trail mix. Or tomato salad with a little evoo and balsamic. Or, hardboiled egg (with a couple drops of the hottest habanero sauce at hand).
I have a mid-afternoon snack of whatever fruit is in season... now it's apples and almond butter. Over the summer it was whatever and some string cheese for protein.
I was also an after work trainer - so I'd either have a kashi granola bar, banana or a gel when I got home/as I was changing and would usually be fine.
Interesting list from everyone
Great stuff!
Don't forget the habanero sauce. Expands those capillaries!
Fruit like apple & nuts or Kashi bar.
Greek yogurt with mixed berries, tsp honey and occaisonal walnuts- this usually lasts for a little while
Suzy Q's or Chocodiles!
I just polished off some Cheetos White Cheddar Cheese Puffs
..........I know, I know..........that's crap and empty calories. They were the baked version, though. Does that count as being healthy?
There cheese, puffed which has got to light and baked how much healthier can you get!
Of course the Suzy Q thing has got me thinking
For me it is Almonds. Costco has a great deal of unsalted almond and I buy either a 3 pound or 5 pound bag. Even better raw almonds.
PB & whole wheat bagels are another staple.
Costco had dehydrated fruit too. I don't each much fruit normal, so this gets me some nutritional benefit.
I keep all three in my desk drawer at work.
Costco's dehydrated fruit is surprisingly really good quality (surprising for 5 pound bags). I really like the apricots!
@ Jennifer--those are great. They are like candy. I have not tried the apricots yet. Thanks for the tip.
or I mix 1cup defrosted (40 seconds in microwave) mixed berries, sliced half apple, a tsp of coconut butter/oil (medium chain triglycerides) with a tablespoon of hemp seeds (amino acids). This is a great blend of healthy carbs, fats and aminos along with antioxidants.
10 mins before a workout I will eat a large medjool date. Natures unprocessed glucose.
I grab the date and leave the house so I can't grab anymore. They are deelish.
As always lots of good stuff here. I took notes and made a list.
I did try some natural grahm crackers this week, seemed to work well. Need to get to the market to get some more fruit and check out the dried fruit at TJ's as it gets too cold here in NE for fresh stuff.
How am I supposed to get thru the day now?????
Add me to the apple and almond butter fan club.