Scottsdale, AZ Riding Routes?
Hi All:
Heading to AZ tomorrow to volunteer and cheer on TeamEN at IMAZ this Sunday. Bunking in North Scottsdale with David Ambrose, Coach Rich and Rich Sawiris from Did a quick MapMyRide search and found these two routes. Anyone have any suggestions on additional routes or comments on either of these?
We are staying at this location:
I've done the Cave Creek route multiple times. I usually eliminate part of the city route and head up into the mountains for less traffic and better views. If you want to ride the mountains take the 205 to Bartlett Dam Road all the way to Bartlett Reservoir. Alot of climbing and cool scenery. Only drawback is you have to ride it back also. Usually quite a few cyclists out on it.
John- will look up later, the actual route. I usedto do a great ride starting in Mesa and go up to saguaro lake and turn around. Just trying to remember where we started from. Will get in touch with the pilot I used to ride with out there. Loved that ride!!!!
Dan: Just did a quick MMR and it looks like it is ~28 miles and ~ 1,600 feet of climbing over the 28 miles from our place up to Bartlett.. Is it safe to ride up N. Pima and then go right on Cave Creek to 205? Or do we need to park closer to 205?
Any other routes you might suggest?
Tracy: Looking forward to your route.
Thanks, Dan. We will tinker with routes a bit more when we get there.
I just heard back from my friend Don today. The OR was crazy busy today, so just getting back to you now, sorry. You probably have all tour rides planned out already. The fountain hills ride would be cool if you do that. The ride below is longer than what my friends & I did. but gives you options. May be a hike from where you are staying ;(
here is a Map my ride from scottsdale to Saguaro Lake.
However, Don and I didn't start from scottsdale, we start at the Starbucks, Power & McDowel then N on Power where it turns into Bush Hwy which leads to Saguaro lake. The trip home would reverse but go S on Usury back to McDowel then W till we got back to Power.
Anyway, hope you guys have a great time in AZ. Sorry it took so long to get back to you