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Foot Pain

Quick question for the brain trust.  The last couple weeks I have had a pain in my right foot when I run that is isolated between the ball of my foot and my big toe.  I can best describe it as feeling like I have a bone bruise on the bottom of my foot.  I can (and have) been running through it but it seems to be getting worse.  I have about 250 miles on my current shoes and have new ones on order (I wear a sasquatch size so they aren't stocked locally).  I'm hoping that new shoes will take care of the problem.  Has anyone ever had similar pains that were caused by worn out shoes?


  • Dusty, if you take your thumb and press on the ball of your foot, it is painful to the touch? There are two bones there called sesamoids and they can get inflamed. I know this because I had a similar problem two years ago and the smarty pants in this thread correctly diagnosed me with sesamoiditis. They key symptom was pressing right on the ball of the foot - it burned.

    IF this is the problem, get thee to a podiatrist. Mine jimmied up my bike shoe inserts and gave me a temporary pad to wear to take the pressure off of the area. It was fixed within weeks. Basically, the message I got then, and I'll pass along to you, is don't mess around with this - get help now so it doesn't derail you for long.

    Also, have you seen Leigh's athletestreatingathletes.com? It's a great resource - search around there and see if you get some questions answered.

  • You're definitely going to want to work on a few things to loosen the area up. Typically foot stuff that comes on gradually versus say (I feel 10 feet onto my feet trauma stuff) is the result of your calf and ankle tightening up and shifting the impact/load to your feet. Once they tighten up, the mid foot also does and now all of the impact is shifted to the front of your feet where you can get irritation of the bones, little muscles, tendons, etc.

    If it were me- work on loosening up the calf and bottom of your foot asap. plenty of vids/pics to help you do that on the link suzanne gave you. Follow it up with frequent stretching of the calf muscles and lots of ice to calm down the hot spot. You should be okay with the shoes for a little bit longer but as things loosen up....if the foot still hurts- get some new ones.

    Lastly- OS = impact on the bike. also worth sliding your cleats back a hair and dropping your seat the same amount. that will lessen the load on your foot and should help speed up the process.
  •  This information is really really helpful and is exactly why being in "da haus" is so valuable.  Thank you!


    You hit the nail on the head as far as my symptoms.  I have had tight calves for the past couple weeks, as well as a tight right hamstring that I have been really working on.  I'll start really focusing on more stretching and loosening up those muscles.  

  • Leigh, thanks again for the advice about adjusting the cleats on my shoes. Has made all the difference in the world. No building foot pain since I made that change and it seems to be getting better every day. I am making sure to stretch, roll and massage daily too. Much appreciated!
  • awesome! glad to hear everything is on the mend. image
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