Problems on trainer
I dont know if this happens to anyone else but when riding the trainer my right hip and leg really start to tighten up and hurt. This does not happen normally when I am riding outdoors. I was wondering if people have the same problem when on the trainer and not on the road. Does anyone make any seat adjustments when on the trainer?
So you know my right leg is shorter than the left by a good amount but I have that corrected in the shoes which are the same ones I wear outdoors.
It just seems strange.
This week I just started to notice some right hip pain, then my right knee started to click a bit and got awfully sore after Thursday's bike. Normally I've ridden my tri bike on the trainer but I just got a new tri bike and not really wanting to put it on the trainer. In the past my road bike has been for more recreational type riding and no really hard training efforts. What I noticed I was doing was sliding a little forward on the seat which affected my pedal stroke and put too much pressure on my knee for the watts I was pushing. I probably never noticed it before because I never really rode 'hard' on that bike. I then sat back in my seat and everything felt better so I upped the seat about 3 cm and the clicking/grinding stopped happening and the hip pain diminished substantially when I went back to that more forward sitting position which is more comfortable when sustaining hard efforts. I suspect it will take a few days to fully heal.
But your body is telling you something and most likely is fit related. Check to see if you are sitting on your seat differently than when you are outside.