Achilles popping
Hi everyone. I'm in the intermediate November OS. Did yesterday's bike and brick run with no issues. A few hours later, walking up the stairs, something popped in the area of my left achilles tendon. No pain at all - just an odd popping, which happens now witheach left footstep whenever I go up or down stairs if I am not carefull. It does not do it when walking on flat ground. I got today's run in with no issues and virtually no pain - and yet the popping achilles is still there going when I go up and down stairs. I something about to blow? Should I be doing the RICE thing? Some good stretches? Like I said, virtually no pain, but something is not right...
Carrie PT here:-). If it were me I would TP roll the calf and lateral lower leg( peroneals) and massage your Achilles ankle. Then see if you can gently stretch it without pain. Making sure stretch is felt in calf and not Achilles pain. If pain in Achilles hold off on stretching and just ice and massage.
Can you go up and down on your toes in standing without pain?
I would invest the $ and see a PT rather than spend $$$$$ + lose weeks of training with a possible ruptured AT if you run through it. The PT will give you the thumbs up to run if you're alright and give you some stretches as well.
See the PT, get the green light, and CRUSH the rest of the OS! It's worth it.
Best wishes,
A little ache 4 inches above the heal is the musculotendinous junction of gastroc / soleus and ahillies. Be careful. Start icing, rolling, massaging, wear compression socks. Better to rest it now until pain free and then get back at it within a week, than to keep pushing the killer OS and be done for months. The clicking is hard to diagnose over the Internet. Since it is new and a little achey it IS the start of something. Nip it in the bud.
Go to Leigh's site: Athletes treating athletes and look up rolling and stretching this area.
options- look for a PT who's certified in graston ( or ART ( they'll be able to dig it all out, check shoes/setup and set you up with stretches/exercises to restore the normal muscle balance in the lower leg. you're going to want to be super diligent about home stuff as well to really kick this thing fast (foam roll + stretch).
PS - popping has subsided today, but still tight and a little sore. Going to play it safe.