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Past times database

I have thought about this before but after listening to Coach Dick's podcast today I thought I would lob this out there.  We have a pretty big, 500+ members(?), mostly data-driven team.  Why can we not have a database where everyone can give their stats, (FTP, w/kg, Vdot, Swim Threshold), and then go back and drop in their split times for HIM and IM races?  I know we have the data tool and we already enter this stuff, so is there anyway it can spit out some interesting data?  Maybe it would better give us all better "should" times and some realistic goals. 


Obviously there are many factors that would effect race results but I just thought this could be interesting.


  • For a while we were submitting race power files and this data. RnP had a google doc with all of this somewhere but I lost track of it in the EN 3.0 to 4.0 transition.

    I agree it would be benefical, but get accurate data that is reported the same way and easy to filter through seemed a little challenging the first time around.

    Maybe if we reduced the scope and tried to do this only for a few key IM races and were very specific on what should be submitted we could come up with something useful. Of course the root issue for the cycling data is that the watts or even w/kg for me to go 5:XX on a course may be very different than someone elses, even if we are similar sizes.


    EDIT: great suggestion and I do think it is worth pursuing, I just wanted to share what I saw in the past that we would have to work through.

  • I agree that, with some caveats, this could be a great source of value for those of us data hungry geeks out there.
  • I agree that, with some caveats, this could be a great source of value for those of us data hungry geeks out there.
  • Guys the same idea came up in this thread. I have outlined a set of fields to capture. This was bike focused. Do we start there or expand it to cover the three events as Tucker suggests.


  • Thanks for jumping in Matt. I had been thinking about this again just recently.

    I guess starting just with the bike would be easiest, though I doubt it would take much more time to drop in T-Pace for a swim and a Vdot along with your split times.

    Let me know how I can help.
  • Tucker - I think we will go after all 3 events.  I  will outline a sheet this week end and start a post specifficaly for it.



  • Word! I have opened the old sheet (https://spreadsheets5.google.com/ccc?hl=en&key=pNU4T5RzFyJbOlme6_wT9JQ&hl=en#gid=6) up to the world so you can see it...go matt go!
  • Coach P Nice sheet!!!
    Someone has done a most of the heavy lifting already!!

    I will come up with an TAB for swim and add a couple other items. Will make space for temperature date that we will have from the other project that will cover all the WTC events in North America. Will get the updated sheet through peer review and then let's get 500 - 1000 entries into this puppy! The we can see what other edges EN nation can have over the rest of the non Kool-Aid drinkers.

    If I don't have 20+ hours a week to train to be the fittest dude in my AG on race day, I sure can train and race the smartest! That’s the power of EN. This will be another tool in are smarter tool chest.
  • Ok – I have a first past at creating a race database spreadsheet. To keep the number of TABs to a manageable level we can have one for full IM’s and one for 1/2 IM’s. 

    I have attempted to capture key race performance statistics, significant gear, climate, input on execution, nutritional and mental aspects of the race. 

    There are 4 tabs to the sheet IM Race Summary, Swim, Bike, Run. Some of the common data when entered on the first sheet will populate the other sheets. To help with consistency of inputs and to reduce typing, many of the columns will have drop down lists to select your answer. For this review, the drop down lists are shown in each column. In the final edition they will be active drop down lists.

    Note that in some of the column headers there is a small red triangle. Hover over it to see added clarifying comments to aid drop down selection.

    Please give this draft a review. The first TAB is a sheet to capture suggestions for changes. Please make suggestions hear and do not modify the other sheets.

    I will give this a few days to capture feedback and then update the sheet.

    I am truly excited about what we may learn from this EN database with will quickly grow to over 1000 race results. Many things have come to mind for analysis. At the very least, we will see that people can get around the same bike course in the same time using 30% different levels of watts. WHY is that????

    All feedback welcomed!

  • I have incorporated the input from multiple people into an updated EN IM 140.6 Race Database sheet. Thank you for those that gave feedback – many good ideas!

    Spreadsheet link - need to copy and past into a browser

    Before I put this out there for “Prime Time” input, I thought I would let this thread take a look at this update to find the places where my brain cell took a break.  Part of the pain was making the formulas deal with the lack of data when they are copied down the page.

    I have included an instruction TAB to help the users understand how to work with the sheet to capture their race data.

    The formulas are only copied down to the bottom of the current page. Once I get feedback from this team, I will make needed adjustments and copy formulas down to row ~500. I will also create a 70.3 version of this sheet to capture race results for our ½ Ironman events.

    I have placed my 4 IM race data sets into the form for context and to get the process started. It took me 15-20 min per race to find my data (most of the time) and to do the drop down selections. 

    I think the best way to kick the tires on the database is to enter race data for 1 of your races. This will identifying any user interface issues and needed changes. Note issues or requested changes with a post into this thread.

    I strongly believe that the EN process of “Work Works” and racing smarter is the icing on the day’s performance! I think this dataset can help us all race a bit smarter. I look forward to the analysis of this data set and what performance hints we may find.

    Thank you in advance for you feed back and your data entry.

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