Knee pain and bike cleat wedges/shims vs wedge insoles...
I'm a bit of a mess right now because I have a hip that continues to act up running and the opposite side knee that bugs when I ride.
I have had a complete overhaul bike fit to address the knee issues and while the fit itself was OK, my knee tracks inward on my down pedal stroke, which corrects a little bit with wedges inside the shoe. The problem is that then the shoes are so tight my feet go to sleep, so to put an insole or wedges in I'd have to size up one, and I don't really want to do that if they're not going to be the answer-- plus I only need the wedge on one side..
Would buying shims/wedges for between the cleat and shoe accomplish the same thing? I don't have any experience at all with this.
You can accomplish the same thing with wedges/shims. usually they are sold in a box that has a few levels so you can see how much you need and go from there.
That being said- worth a call to your bike fit person. usually tweaks and adjustments are on them or are short $$ after the original fit. I'd want someone to watch me riding to see what's going on at the hip and foot. the knee coming in could also be a function of seat height + fore/aft or it could be compensation for the other hip. So before you go changing everything and then slapping OS intensity on top of it, get some help from a pro. And get your other hip taken care of once and for all.
I am working on this stupid hip, I promise!!