Pre-OS for January OS Start - Who's Doing It?
Time to get the MOJO going.
Besides The Halligan who is crying . . .
who has started the Pre-OS and how is it going?
Time to get the MOJO going.
Besides The Halligan who is crying . . .
who has started the Pre-OS and how is it going?
Hi John!
I'll be there with ya! I hope the Pre-Os isn't a formal plan--I am running screaming from such until Jan!
Put this in Halligan's post re where I'm at:
I have been cobbling things together for the past two months, at my own pace and own my own timetable. This will be my fourth OS, and I decided to ease my way back into the workouts before Jan with no pressure or schedule to follow. Started with 2x8 or 2x6 and inched my way up. No pressure on myself. Now into 2x15 on Tuesdays and 2x12 on Thursdays. FTP coming back up. And because I feel totally rogue and doing my own thing, I have really been enjoying getting on the trainer. Still haven't ventured into 2x20 territory--saving that for January.
Running...just started thinking about some faster running this week and did 2 x mile and 1 x .5 on the 'mill. Not pretty, but decent. Until now I've just been running 30" strides and lots of hill running. EZ stuff too. Trying to keep the frequency up--mostly hit 4 days/week; would have liked it to be 5. Also swimming 1-2x week b/c I like it. Will be relaxed about the OS this year since that's my mantra for training in 2011. I'll push it, but not be nuts about it all. Looking forward to training with my friends again!
In case someone doesn't know about Pre-OS, here it is:
Somewhat formal, but mostly to get us ramping for the inevitable.
As soon as I get this knee worked out in week or so, I plan on diving into week 1 of pre-OS to at least try to get a little of it in before January.
@ Linda - Good stuff. You are way ahead of where I am at on the bike. Kinda nice being rogue, isn't it..
Looking forward to playing in the sand box with you starting in January!
The past couple of months I have been focusing 100% on running. Did several weeks of the Daniels Training Plan and that was t o u g h for me. I am inherently not a runner and to be so focused on it was really mental. I can run 50+ mile Ultra's, but to run tempo pace and at a harder pace than I am used to was an experience. However, my running has improved tremendously and I am really in a running groove right now. I think there are major gains to be made for me this year with my running that will help with (I Hope) a nice PR at IMAZ next year.
I have been working through the first week of the Pre-OS. I will do the next 3 x 5 's tonight. However, I did run 2 this morning and then 700 or so yards in the pool for recovery and focused solely on form swimming. Nothing hard.
I've lost all fitness, everyone keeps making me eat COOKIES and then they make me wash them down with BEER and I now look like SETH ROGAN and an ft of 400 will get me to about a 3 w/kg. AND now I have SHINGLES and THEN I turn 50 in January and it's COLD and it's WINDY and if I wanted to live in this crap I'd move next door to the HALLIGAN'S and PLAY HOCKEY out of doors and complain about the SAWX.
( Practicing my OS whining.)
If LP and JS and LB and Nemo and Super Dave and other grizzled vets are in then I'm in. It'll be "fun".
I'm in as you know, and its going well.... just have to kick this sickness to get back on track.
Hey, no hatin' on the 50s. I resemble that remark. (+3).
Sometime around mid-Feb we can be both cranky AND creaky. Aint' we got fun? (Seriously, though, stinks about the shingles. Get better!)
Chris: So is The Halligan = Super Dave now?
That sounds like me. I've done a few 3x5' intervals on the bike, but I'm NOT ready for the big show. Gotta get it together and like Chris, this cold weather crap isn't helping!!
PS- We are going to have one of THE BEST OS Groups EVER! This crowd rawks!
It looks like we'll be roomies again! After a no-starter for the November OS I'm resetting for January. I'm riding the lunatic fringe of an already admittedly fringe group; I'll be doing the bike portion only, plus a 200k brevet/month.
Rippin' it up for PBP!
Can't wait to get started with all these wicked smart folks! I can feel a serious level of accountability in this group!
I've got to get out and do some workouts. Not sure I will follow the Pre-OS structure but more than I have been doing lately. Like Bill I started in the Nov OS but pull the pin at week three. I don't really want to tread anywhere below the the 205 FTP and 32 vdot testing 5-6 weeks ago.
My limiter right now is work, then school with only one final left, then SAU's, training will be when I can squee it in.
@Chris - 50 is not a bad thing. As I tell all my friend who are not it tri anything divisible by 5 is a great year because I'm youngest in my age group. Of course I just turned 39, now if I was doing IM this year I would be 40.
I submitted my application and am anxiously awaiting a reply from from the Jan OS Board of Trustees.
I'm in! Getting ready to hit the pain cave now. Missed Tuesday cause felt a little under the weather after flu shot. Not really ready for this, gotta start somewhere. Hi Ho Hi Ho
@ Gordon, thanks for the kind words but dude, 39?. Stay warm up there, young pup.
@ Kit, Happy to see you again. I'm laying off "The Halligan"- he feels pressured by the moniker. He's very sensitive, you know.
@ Neems, Yay! Hi to Joe. Let's get ready to rumble!!
@ Dave, I'm hearing rumblings from the board that you are wait listed for Jan but I'll see what I can do. Can your Dad donate a gymnasium or something?
All, It's not how you start the OS , it's how you finish. (Already covering my ass.)
All - Good stuff. I think the center of the WSM world will be in the January OS.
Definitely gonna be a blast!
OK, I know I will need the
in about 2 months when I am trying to keep going. So right now it is my turn to try and light some fire under some
's. No need to kill it yet, but time to dust off the bikes and get the cave organized.
Let's get this party started!
Just exited the cave. 3 x 5 (5) @ 1.014, 1.018 and 1.017. 40 minutes at overall IF of .87! Just took a hot shower and my body is tingling and I need some food. G'nite.
Who's next!
So I'm kinda new around here but I'm definitely with Leigh and Nemo on this one. I'm hoping to hit pre-OS next week when I finally kick this illness I've been fighting for a few other words, I'm completely not ready but hey, at least I'll be having "fun" with a bunch of other people.
I keep trying. Maybe this will get me motivated.Been doing a little Mt. biking, only running about once a week and have done a little strenght training. Have not been on the tri bike or road bike since my last race Nov. 7th Silverman. I've put on at least 10 lbs, way too many cookies and good mirco brewed beer floating around here too. The new Quarq should be arriving any day, once I pop that bad boy on I think it will spark a little motivation. The temp here is suppose to hit 70 on Sunday, sounds like I need to plan a nice looooooong ride.
OK, I admit it, I started the official EN wiki based pre OS program this week. I've been doing a very systematic S/B/R and weight room rehab program since Halloween or so. I started at about 30-50% of my pre-trauma fitness, and have worked up to about 80-85% in the weight room, about 75-80% on the bike, about 90% on the run, and about 65% on the swim (oh, the horror!).
Yesterday, 3 x 5' (5) on the trainer, @ 85% of last year's initial OS FTP, plus 25 minutes swimming. Today, I did the 3 x 4' (4') runs, actually 3 x .5 mi @ 3:30; 3:15 is what I would have done at peak fitness. Then, to the weight room in the afternoon for an hour, 25 minutes of which doing very specific small muscle exercises for my hands, forearms, triceps, biceps, and rotator cuff, which have borne the brunt of the neurological damage from my accident (hence, the poor swimming.)
An MRI two days ago showed "Significant interval improvement in the abnormal signal previously present within the cervical [spinal] cord, likely representing ongoing healing of the previous cervical cord contusion..." WOO-HOO!
I'm targeting getting to within 90-95% of last year's initial bike and run test levels by time I do them at the end of this month. (I'll spend the first few days of the OS recovering from bone grafting surgery on my jaw).Then, I'll just go with the program, adding 2 swim sessions, & 2 weight sessions each week (probably on the "rest" days). Balancing healing, recovery, weight gain, and getting my fitness back has been tricky, but so far: no injuries; decreased time spent sleeping each day; and 12 pounds gained (8% of my body weight) with no increase in BF% since my discharge from the hospital Oct 1.
Oh, and I go back to work on Monday! I'll be flying a desk, not doing real patient care, but earning my keep again at least.
Come July, after I finish IM CDA, I'll come out
for IM AZ
I am also checking in. Ready to start. Late, next week, heading to Carlsbad, CA for an 8day family vacation, mostly to clear my mind and get ready mentally. Looking forward to training after that.
I will be embarrasing myself with all of you. Like Chris I am getting in touch with my inner chubby child... Amazing how quick the weight comes back, almost like it is my natural state LOL
After doing a bunch of cross racing and training for the marathon I did last week you would think I would be in ok shape. I am not LOL too much cake not enough intervals. So should be hilarious.
checking in... I'm doing the pre-OS routine (started Mon)... adding some lifting on a Mon or Fri just because I miss it (and because my abs and tush need it).
The 3x5s made me a sweaty mess... which has me sufficiently scared for Jan. I usually have a much harder time hitting Z4 on the bike... so that definitely lets me know how outta shape I am!
I did the run yesterday since it's my telework day and I wanted to go outside. I was actually worried about trying to hit Z2 as I have not even attempted that "speed" since before IMFL... I did it and it felt great... but today I'm feeling some stiffness... enough to remind me that I've been enjoying way too much ice cream, pizza, wine, etc, etc... but unlike Chris, no one is forcing me to eat it (ha ha ha, that made me laugh)... and today is my office party day and I have a dessert party tonight. Sigh... december is gonna be tough and I'm gonna be one hurting mass of sweat and tears come Jan 3.
Happy news, my power should come next week... so I hope to have a few weeks to learn it and tinker with it to be ready by Jan 3!
This is gonna be an amazing OS group... I will be shamed into submission with all the WSMs in here... and I just might learn a few things! Lucky me!!! Looking forward to it!
I have been doing the pre os workouts, getting ready for January as well.
After Day 1 of 3x5', I realized that 95% was a good number for Pre OS. Thursday and Saturday worked much better.
I also decided, for something to focus on, to run everyday in Dec. No structure, just run. 100% so far and everything feels great.
Looking forward to Jan OS with all !