Marathon training
I am just about to start the OS in a couple of weeks (after finishing IMAZ) and I have committed to running a marathon in May. I know, I know it's not the EN theory to run a marathon but its a long story and I would like to do it. I saw a post on the wiki which was helpful to change the OS slightly more towards a half marathon focus but can anyone comment on how to do this for a marathon focus. My plan will be to do a late season half IM in 2011. Thanks!
Here is the EN "Marathon Hack" that you can use to prepare for your marathon. You will replace your OS runs with this plan. Enjoy.
Is there a particular format and forum that I would do that in?
If I were you I would take advantage of the first 4 weeks of just the OS for month 1. You get 2 days off whereas once you start the marathon hack you will be biking 3 and running 3. I guess you could turn one of the runs into a brick but it may be difficult after the OS bike workout.
You can post questions to this forum if you want input from the team or to the micro and macro threads if you need advice from RnP.
My race is May 1 (NJ Marathon). I thought I'd start with week 9 of the Advanced program as I have IM Switzerland in July. I'm on about week 12 of the OS.
Does that make sense?
Should I do two of the workouts on my run days and one on an off day with the marathon hack? (I notice it's three days a week until the end.)
Hey Robert, you are correct, you should replace the 2 scheduled OS runs with add the other run in on Monday or Friday. I can't remember what to do about the bricks. I would drop a question in the Macro thread to clarify that, or hopefully Brenda can clarify as she has been hacking.
Monday - Tuesdays bike ride
Tuesday - Run #1 on the marathon hack (usually intervals)
Wednesday - Thursday bike
Thursday - Key Run from marathon hack
Friday - rest day
Sat - saturdays bike ride
Sun - did the last run from the marathon hack. I did the workouts as assigned until I hit the VO2 intervals in the bike and then I changed the run to all MP +15-30sec and just got the distance in. However, I am not racing Boston. Just participating, so that might affect your decision here. I also kept in my 30-40 min of strength training which I placed after the Tue and Thur runs. I also starting swimming one day a week on Thur before the run and I also work on the VASA trainer for swimming 1-2 x a week for upwards to 30 minutes.
Hope this helps Robert.