Training Zones w/stroller?
I have my training zones and am wondering if I should give myself a little extra time since I will be pushing my son in a stroller for the majority of the runs? Not trying to wuss out here, but just wondering what others have done in similar situations. I am fine with going as hard as I can and seeing what happens. Is there a somewhat standard addition to pace that people do? like plus 15 sec to your zone?
BTW...anyone who does EN intervals pushing a stroller is WAY cool (kind of like those fools who run with weight vests). Thanks for the motivational kick. I'll remember that next time my intervals suck!
Regardless running with the stroller will make you strong. My wife pushed the kids 25 miles a week for years. When they get bigger it gets harder.
I too have been surprised at how fast one go with a stroller (a double jogger in my case). I think it might actually help when going downhill.
Anyway, I agree that 15sec/mile sounds about right. Try that and compare your heart rate/RPE to the non-stroller runs at the same pace and see what you come up with.
Make the kid get out and push or have them wear a weighted vest
We joke that when Sonny gets too old to go on walks we're going to get him a stroller, hitch up his lil' brother to it and give Sonny a buggy whip...
I don't even want to imagine having to run with a stroller. Ran across this video add this afternoon and it made me think of this post.