Proper peddling technique
I don’t have a lot of time/experience on the bike and my bike motor is weaker than I want it to be. So, while I have my bike motor in the OS for a major overhaul, I want to learn good technique for peddling, improve my form, and enhance my efficiency.
Currently I focus on maintaining cadence at or above 85 and ‘think’ my feet around the crank. I have read about ‘wiping’ my feet across the bottom of the stroke. At times (like when my cadence drops) I do an exaggerated ‘pull’ on the up-stroke, but that is only for 6 to 8 revs or so. Basically I know nothing and I need help.
What should I focus on while on the drainer?
What kind of drills would be useful in FTP intervals? 85% intervals? Just noodling around?
How can I improve my technique?
I know this info was in an EN Blog post at one time. It certainly was in the old Library. See this thread from the old Forum for the down low on pedal stroke:
I'll copy/paste this into a wiki post so we can keep it for future reference.
1) Single leg drills. I do it in the small chain ring. Start with about 20 seconds on each leg (the first time, this might feel really hard), and build it up to 1 minute on each side, repeated 4-5 times. Some people put a minute of easy spining in between each rep (I don't). Try to keep even pressure on the pedal. The first few times you try this, you will feel a big surge from 11 o'clock to 5 o'clock and struggle pullling the pedal back from 5 o'clock to 11 o'clock. With practice, your pedal stroke will smooth out.
1-5 minutes of easy spinning
2) Spinups. In an easy/moderate gear, brining your cadence up as high as you get it, without bouncing, and hold it there for 30-seconds to a minute. easy spin recovery in between. Build up to 4-5 repeats. Over time, you should get your average cadence for that minute greater than 110.
1-5 minutes of easy spinning
3) Big gear. Switch to the big ring, smallest cog and grind out 50-60 rpms for 30 seconds - 1 minute, recover with easy spinning for about the same amount of time. Repeat 2-5 times. The wicked smart members may disagree with me on this drill, but I find it helps me be more aware of the pedal stroke.
Another drill I like is the ladder (?? not sure if this is the correct name):
Basically, you go for between 5 and 20 minutes straight, changing gears every 30 seconds to a minute. You start in your smallest gear, move to the biggest half-way through and then move back down to your smallest gear. The key is to keep the same 80-90 rpm cadence throughout.
On a more flippant note, if you are wokring on your cycling motor, consider installing one of these
If you have a computrainer I believe they have a program on it called spin scan that shows your pedal stroke.
@ J.T. & Michael - one leg drills sound like a good idea, especially to evaluate leg strength discrepancies. Nice details.
@ Nemo – I never would have found that, thanks. I printed a copy of Rich’s monolog – good stuff there.
@ Al – last night I was thinking about what you suggested and could sort of get it but only in the 85% stuff. Way too hard for me to do at FT… at least for now. Definitely takes some focus to stay with it.
@ Coach P – I agree, peddling happens but so do bad habits…. I want to learn to maintain good technique and avoid bad habits – they can be so hard to change once established.
@ Steve – sorry, no CT. Set up with PT Pro+ on a Fluid 2. Sometimes reading others posts gives me drainer envy (spin scan and erg mode come to mind).
Thanks again to all. Got lots to work on thru the winter….
Nemo, thanks for finding that and posting it to the wiki. Man, going into the 3.0 forum is like walking into a dusty room of the house you haven't been into in a long time...lots of memories...
Looks like insider joke stuff.... [Steven] = not insider.....
Humor not good if you have to explain it. Sorry. The "joke" isn't worth hijacking the thread. (Sent Steve a PM teaching him the Secret Handshake regarding my poor attempt at humor. Drop me a line if you are similarly curious.)
Go over to Slowtwitch and post a thread with Powercranks in the title. Then sit back and watch the fun.
Look here Steve.
NO Don't!!! Please Don't! Oh God, I was afraid we'd end up down this path!
.... Nemo, I don't go over to the Dark Side very often..... too much for my little head to ponder right here!
@ William - no need to be sorry, my reply was in humor too - guess I need to do a better job of flagging the funny stuff as just that....
Gooooooodddd, your pedaling technique gives you focus....make you stroooonnngggg....
Master Yoda! Is that you? I still have so much to learn.....
Steve.......there is.....another......lleeeeeggggggg