Screw you, Tanita
My Tanita bodyscan bells-and-whistles scale arrived yesterday ( = best place in the world). Turns out the scale I've been using for the last 5-8 years has been five pounds off. And not "off" in the good way.
clawing up to 4.5w/kg is going to be even uglier; that's pretty much a different zip code now. Thanks Tanita.
At least I've been wrong consistently for the last few years.
I used alot of different scales back when I did bariatric surgery/gastric bypass. By far, the most accurate ones were Tanita. I had a really nifty one that had a huge platform, a 1000 lb weight limit, and would calculate the BMI too.
Ha ha ha! I can just see my wife's face when I tell her I'm having a gastric bypass. She looks at me like a leper when I tell her I'd like to see if I can get down to 180 or less for race weight.
Then you're only off by 1/3 a stone! These European units are just improving your situation.
If you have one that tells you body composition - I hope it also tells you hydration status. Those that use BIA for body composition are very, very sensitive to hydration status. You should only compare the body comp numbers on days with similar (within normal range) hydration status numbers).
Again - it is just a number. . . .
@Penny (or others), have a good scale you'd recommend? A particular Tanita model?
Oh, and no way on the gastric bypass for me... I enjoy EATING way too much. A cracker and some vitamins every day just wouldn't cut it.
Had everything I was after: BF%, BMR, weight, athlete mode, etc etc etc.