CT Calibration Acting Up--Thoughts?
Before I get into a back-and-forth with the Computrainer people, I thought I'd ask here...
For the past 2 weeks, the calibration on my CT has been acting up. Get on, ride a little, calibrate. Finish warm-up, calibrate again before the MS. Then, in the middle of the interval, the calibration goes kerflooey. I know because pedaling suddenly gets super easy, and it's clear something is wrong. I check the calibration again, and it's at 9.54-ish. Re calibrate and it goes back to the proper 2.5-ish. Sometimes the calibration stays solid for the entire workout (or after a recalibration mid-workout), and sometimes this happens 3-4x, which is incredibly annoying.
Checked all the cables, and everything is plugged in properly. Anyone know what this is, and what to do about it? I hope I don't have to send it off for repair on the eve of the Jan OS.
Hi Art--thanks for manking that clear. Yes, I do exactly that for calibration.
IIRC, Over an hour the tire lost about 30 or so PSI and it made a a very noticable difference in effort.
It sounds like your issue is more related to the CT itself but it may make sense to check your tire pressure before and after just to make sure.
Thank you so much, everyone. Cable check to start. I knew it would be days to get a reply from Racermate, so thanks for giving me a head start. DH will be put on the cable case this evening!
Hi All,
We tracked down the problem, and I thought I'd put it up here as another piece of info to keep in mind should this kind of thing happen to you (or to you *again in some cases
DIN cable was fine. Swapped with my DHs CT--same problem.
Swapped head units--same problem.
My husband then unplugged the power supply cable and there was corrosion there. A little sand paper action, and it's working as good as new.
I'm just glad I didn't have to send it off for repair. Thanks again for all your help!