Home Group Discussion-OutSeason November 2010

concerns over test results

This is my first OS and the first time I've ever worked this hard on a bike.  I didn't miss any workouts or rest days.  1.0 has been so hard for me that I figured if I had a 1 or 2% gain for my 2nd test that I'd be happy with that.  When I saw that just about everyone has seen much larger gains than that I started to wonder. 

Patriick in particular saw a 25W gain?  I couldn't hold an additional 25W over my November 1 test for 5 minutes let alone 40!  Should I take my 5W gain and be happy with it or is there something else going on here?


  • Take your 5 and be happy with it. Chances are you are not P so do not even worry about him. He has also been sandbagging with a broken hip for 6 months and just got a new PM :-)

    More improtantly there iw always a big margin or error in any given test. We use them as benchmarks but not even the only way to figure FTP once you get more into it. There are also a million variables involved so comparing yourself to others is often just a frustrating exercie. I did not see your numbers posted but 3.6 w/kg ie pretty good depending on how big you are.

    Take away is to keep at it, keep redifing what it means to work hard on the bike, not be afraid to bury yourself on the bike, really hard to injure yourself riding hard so just go for it til you are a shaking mess when you get off then repeat a couple days later for years.
  • What Chris said...this is my fourth OS, and I now know what I am doing...and respond well to it. You are building the foundation....my guess is we'll see better gains for you in test #2 vice some others who will fade a bit.

    To be clear, my 25W gain only puts me back at where I was pre-crash..IOW, no NEW fitness here. Now the real work begins!
  • Oh don't worry; I'll keep at it.  Thanks for the feedback.    

  • I think the other point to remember, and was mentioned in another thread, is that progress is not linear. I worked hard these past eight weeks, hitting every bogey, never missing a day, and was disappointed that, in the opposite of everyone's great progress, my test results shows an FTP gain of one single, lonely watt. I did not sandbag the test and this is my second time through the OS. I chalk it up to a temporary plateau and will keep pushing.
  • Chris - what everyone has said - this is my second OS and sometimes like Monday, my tests a little slower and/or less watts (many variables, outside conditions, probably not at ideal weight, etc.) - the real OS benefit is pushing yourself for some portion of the workout 5 days/wk for 20 weeks in the winter, the cumulative effects are the gains that you'll realize, on race day it's about execution and not FTPs and vDOTs - that said I better make up for Monday and have some FTP gains!
  • Chris, as said above, you really can't worry about what others are doing only yourself. Sure Patrick gained 25w but now he is close to his old pre-injury FTP. I gained about the same but that was coming into the OS with next to nothing except a 2-3 week build up in the bike so it makes sense for me to have made my gains. Plus I am sure lots of others are in the same boat as me, or this could be their first OS w/ EN and with power and are just now learning what hard work is about. IIRC you have an FTP 300+? How did you come into the OS? Pretty fit? I'm thinking the next 6 weeks will be great for you. You may have reached your ceiling with FTP work and now need some good VO2 Max work to raise the roof. After this your next test should be a great gain.
  • Posted By Tucker McKeever on 22 Dec 2010 08:58 AM

    Chris, as said above, you really can't worry about what others are doing only yourself. Sure Patrick gained 25w but now he is close to his old pre-injury FTP. I gained about the same but that was coming into the OS with next to nothing except a 2-3 week build up in the bike so it makes sense for me to have made my gains. Plus I am sure lots of others are in the same boat as me, or this could be their first OS w/ EN and with power and are just now learning what hard work is about. IIRC you have an FTP 300+? How did you come into the OS? Pretty fit? I'm thinking the next 6 weeks will be great for you. You may have reached your ceiling with FTP work and now need some good VO2 Max work to raise the roof. After this your next test should be a great gain.

    I did IM Louisville and took about two weeks off from running afterwards.  I continued to ride a lot and run some until the start of the OS, so I came in fairly fit I suppose.  I will keep working hard and look forward to more gains next time.

    I need to check the "heads we win/tails you lose" spreadsheet for Rich's prediction.  Last time I checked, about a week ago, he still had not predicted mine.  I thought maybe he was waiting until after the 2nd test.

  • @Chris, looks like Rich has populated the spreadsheet. I'm sure you will crush his goal.
  • @Chris, you live in KY, and I remember you posting rides where you were outside until recently. Your outside riding goes quite a bit later than a ton of us. Hence you can stay a little fitter longer and you don't have a massive detraining cycle. Just keep increasing period.
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