Home Group Discussion-OutSeason November 2010

NOV OS Infirmary

 Thought I'd throw this out there for those that have to adjust their schedule due to ailments.  

Or, more appropriately, need to vent frustration for falling off schedule.


My case:  I love staying on schedule, hate moving things around or falling behind.  But, as I've gotten older, I realize that my stubborness can sabotage the next 6 months (from experience) if I let it.  Last week (#7), I was so worn out I couldn't get off the couch except to go to work and go to the pain cave (successful wko's, but REALLY hard to hold).  Thought it was just December Grind/Blues.  Found out yesterday, I gotz da' flu.  Earned myself a full recovery week (if you can recover during Christmas week with a big family).  This is supposed to be a testing week and I'm just resting.  I expect to pick it up next week and just follow along a week behind.  I'm sure my testing will be off.  But, I'm new at this, so, I don't think it'll 'hurt' my season, just drop my numbers.  We'll see.  I have a PM coming, so I may be retesting anyways in a couple of weeks again.

Anyway, my point is....I didn't plan on getting the flu.  But it happened.  I recognize that bikes and PM's and treadmills and etc. are cool, but it's the body that will make me go faster next year.  And right now, I've got to baby this rig so that I can come back in a few days and start hammerin' again.  No excuses, just playin' the hand that was dealt.


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     Right there with you - except not quite as sick.   I'm babying a cold for the last 3 days, and wondering when exactly I'm going to get back to working out.  I used to try to train through most anything - until I realized I could just take a few days off on the front end and get over it, or have a week of subpar workouts while sick, and then take another week off to really get over it.  I think it's more satisfying to train until you really can't anymore, but smarter to just lay back on the front end and get over it quicker.  Maybe the payoff for getting older is getting smarter??

    Hope you feel better soon - and really, if there was any time to have an enforced layoff, Christmas week is probably a pretty good one.  Feel better and have a great Holiday!


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    @ Sumner - Agreed. Of all the weeks to mail it in, this is the best worst case scenario. I just take consolation in knowing that its a long year to get ready for a peak race. And, consistency over the course of that year will outweigh missing a couple of workouts right now. Just sucks falling behind the rest of the team.

    merry christmas
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    i've also finally caught the cold that's been running around my house the past two weeks. i didn't test yesterday and was hoping to do it today, but my lungs are still a no go. i know i can't handle any FTP level work right now, so my plan is to get on the bike and just pedal somewhere between 70-85% depending on how i feel. i'm looking at this as a maintainance/minimize the damage week and then will go back to the test week next week. i know that this won't help me make gains, but i just don't want my body to lose the feeling of movement (notice i said movement, not actually working out).

    glad i'm not alone and it's great to have others reminding me that it's a long season so sacraficing/delaying a week is more helpful than a longer term illness.
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    I've been admitted to the infirmary as well...... I haven't been sick in forever, but have been traveling every week for work. In the past, I didn't travel and took great care to protect against germs, etc. Not really a germiphobe but just was careful. Traveling just kills me being stuck in that cramped cesspool of humanity called an airplane with others hacking / coughing / etc. Combine with the airports, and I just figured it was a matter of time.

    Caught something in Week 7 while in Canada and it has flat laid me out since then. It's been about 8 days, a trip to the doctor, meds, and still not feeling all that great. Traveling next week to Florida so I'll end up being about 3 weeks of no workouts. This is by far the longest I have gone without working out in many, many years.

    I did post over in the Macro thread to get some advice on how to get back into the swing of things.

    I will be much more careful in 2011 for traveling.
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    I'm bustin' outta here real soon. Gonna squeeze bike and run test in over the next 4 days and plan on hitting week 9, as scheduled, next week. feeling a ton better, carrying a cough, but have been told it could take a couple of weeks for that to go. gonna roll the dice and put in my discharge request.

    you guys get better, its a long year, recover well and you'll know when you're ready to roll soon enough.

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    Funny you posted this Chris -- you and I both posted to the Micro thread about the same time. Following Rich's advice and repeating the full week I missed (week 6) this week then jumping to week 8 (test week).

    I will be a week behind for now...
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    @Jeff - I've haven't tested, yet!  If I try (tonight or tomorrow), and I bomb, I'm gonna just wait and repeat week 8 with ya next week.  If my tests go ok, I'm planning on hitting week 9 next week.  I'm past looking at these tests are a gauge of how far I've come, now, it's just about getting a new baseline for the next phase.


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    @Chris - well said...

    I was on a roll through the first 6 weeks and the last 2 1/2 have been far from ideal with illness and work. Hoping to get on a roll again...
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    I have written this like 500 times, but never ever ever underestimate the power of a good nights sleep. Do all you can to get at least 7 hours in the OS...it goes a super long way to keeping you healthy!!!!
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    Right now I'm fighting all forces of my family as 2-4 have the flu and the third was showing symptoms. I now know why my cough isn't going away, but I'm still fighting and will not succomb to the flu. my delayed week 8 starts monday!!!
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     @Keith - Yikes, I hope you escape the flu!  And I hope the rest of your family feels better soon.

    I headed out for a run yesterday - finally back in the saddle!  Felt good, if kind of heavy.  Getting ready to climb on the trainer now and remind my legs how to spin, before jumping back into the OS tomorrow.  (and, you know you have a gold medal husband and son when you say "can you guys move the Christmas legos over just a little so I can set my trainer up in the living room for an hour," and they say "sure!" )

    Hope everyone's feeling better and back on track.  And, when I'm sick I like to remember the words of a famous trainer of event horses, Jim Wofford.  To paraphrase, he said you could make it to an event with a horse that was healthy but a little undertrained, but it was no good taking a horse that made every workout but was lame.  I figure this applies to people too - so a bump in the road, especially in the middle of winter, is probably not too big of a deal.

    I hope everyone's having a great day, and to those of you who celebrate it - Merry Christmas!

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    This SUCKS!!! I'm going freaking nuts. period. I'm following docs orders from a week ago and doing nothing. (except I snuck in a 30 min. jog sat.) And trying to let the body heal up from the chemo side effects. But going nuts doing nothing in the process and then I get this nasty cold. Started in the head and has moved to the chest now. I may have to rest as much as the docs want me too. (2 weeks) But I want to join the group so bad in the VO2 start. (yikes)
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    I can make it worse. 3 weeks ago I had a thing cropped off the bottom of my right foot. Haven't been able to swim, bike or run since. I've got clearance to start up again next week. Read as: come hell or high water i'm going to struggle through a run on New Year's Day.

    While we're talking about injury recovery, I guess my question would be: with the better part of a month of the OS missed, should I just pick up where I left off, pick up at the current part of the OS Training (leaning towards this option), or see about joining the Jan OS group instead?

    All three seem somewhat reasoanble but this Nov OS group puts me in the perfect spot for my A race next year (Eagleman).

    Any suggestions?

    - dhj

    ps/ Happy New Year.


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    @ Dan- When you say it puts you in a good place for your A race, how many weeks do you have in your transition from OS to your A race plan (assuming 12 weeks of this)? Without knowing this I'd skip week 7, one week of VO2 and one week of the last FTP weeks.

    I'm actually checking out of the Nov OS Infirmary as I just completed the bike test a week late and the flu seems to have left my house. For those still ailing, our remedy was Pro-Biotics and this awful tasting stuff from Garden of Life called Perfect Food: Super Green Formula. Smells like fish food and tastes like your eating your lawn. My daughter's doctor says it's acidic in nature and the flu does not like acidic environments. Mix it in half a glass of water, hold your nose and pound it, then add a little water to the glass to get the remnants and chug that--still without breathing. Make sure you have something good to put in your mouth after---it's that bad, but it works!!!
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    @Keith: By perfect, I mean this. NovOS end on 20 March, same day as the Shamrock Half Marathon. Great end of OS test of my fitness. If I start week 1 of 12 for Half-Iron training the following Monday (or just bag week 1 of the plan to recover/recoup and then jump into week 2), Eagleman falls perfectly at the end of week 12. Just a great calendar-plan match up.

    I like your idea of just re-joining in the middle. Before the Great Cutting the OS plan was going well so I have moderate hopes that starting up again won't be too terrible after a week or so to re-aclimate. image

    Oh, and lawn-flavored medicine: ummmm.

    @All-- seems like a strong flu season out there. Hang tough, peeps!

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    Just by putting this out in the open you are committing to being better and to helping others avoid the same fate...thanks!
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    I finding myself in a similar situation with the greater part of the last 2 weeks missed due to my whole crazy family flying out to Italy to see us for Christmas, immediately followed by a very mean sinus infection (101.5 fever and technicolor snot=no good). Doc says I'm good to go all out in a couple of days. My plan is to jump back in with the testing I missed and pick up the plan on schedule. Any suggestions for returning after 2 weeks of sloth-like behavior?
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    re: the comeback after being sick.

    remember the eye-opening fear/fatigue that we went thru with the first week of the OS? That's what your comeback will feel like again! But, like 9 weeks ago, you adapt real quick and after 2-3 workouts, you'll be back on track! I, also, tried testing for my comeback and I wasn't very happy with the results, so, be prepared for that. I missed all of week 8 except for the tests (done at the end of the week). on schedule with week 9, no 'makeup' workouts, just stuck to the schedule. 1 week later and I feel that I never missed a beat.

    u got sick, and very busy with the holidays. that happens. This is one reason that I joined EN, to get a better grip on how to handle these exact situations!

    remember to post in the Micro What to Do THIS Week thread cuz RnP may have a different take that what I threw out there.

    Good luck

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    Oh man, I am in the infirmary hard core. I've got a small L5/S1 disc bulge that the ortho says is no big deal, just don't run so much. Fine. But the short course of steroids he gave me left me with a raging cold that left me on the couch for 48 straight hours that left me with a lower back that basically froze in place (probably not at all related to the disc, just being slumped over in misery for hours on end). And then I had to get up and fly for work (a two-leg trip, which meant double the inner ear congestion horror). And I have, no joke, FOUR more flights to go this week.

    I'm getting better but I'm still dizzy as all hell. I'm not sleeping, so I'm on my way to the hotel gym to try to "reset" my body with some physical fatigue. Wish me luck. image
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    Oh Suzanne, that sucks. Please be cautious in your return as there is still a long season ahead. We'll all get you through it, with some added speed of course. I hope you continue to recover and your body responds to the "reset" button.
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    @SK, x2 what Keith said. You will emerge stronger from this...for sure. Keep your head up!
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    Thanks guys! A 30 minute easy run and some core work was well-tolerated. It actually kick started my appetite (let's take a moment to embrace actually being happy to feel hunger pains, shall we?). Sleep is still a bit elusive but today I feel ten times better. One more night in hotels, then home...
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    Outseason was going great, but my luck finally ran out. Got some kind of stomach bug Monday, and it seems to be morphing into a cold. On top of it all, I am going to be away all next week. Will not be inactive (winter backpacking/climbing - very long days with heavy packs and some steep ascents) - but no biking or running. My plan was to test this week before I went away. Tried the bike test this morning and blew up 10 minutes in. My HR was getting way high, power was much below what I knew I could do, and RPE was very hard. I know there was not point in pushing it any longer. I thought I was getting over the illness, but I guess not. Ended up with a 35 minute bike, including the warm up.

    So now I may try to get in one more run and bike this week if I feel healthy enough, then retest after I get back on Feb. 4th. Bummed. Hope I don't loose too much 1 1/2 weeks off. Any suggestions?
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    Jim, #1, you'll always want to put this into your own thread moving forward! image As for the fitness, don't worry....go on the trip, kill yourself and have some fun...then when you come back we'll test to recalibrate and you can ask in the Macro Thread on how to proceed given your races!
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