Heat Exhaustion/Newbie Starting OS
Hello all,
Perhaps the worst first post in EN history, but here goes . . . new member looking to do first HIM in September 2011 (Redman). Previous tri experience is a handful of sprints, ran 2.9 half marathons (more details below) in 2010. Was planning to start with the OS, do 2 or 3 olympics this summer and then Redman in September. Seemed like a pretty logical plan until . . .
I had a big time DNF at the Route 66 half in Tulsa on 11/21. Unseasonably warm, 30 mph winds, a number of bad strategic decisions (seems like a good day for a PR!). Bad execution! Long story short, ended up dehydrated/suffering from heat exhaustion and went down for the count about 8 blocks from the finish. Blacked out, ambulance ride to ER, got fluids, etc. and released and walked out 3 hours later. Embarrassed and have a big headache. Took 3 full weeks off, resumed with light cycling on trainer and have done a few short runs very easy.
I had a full physical yesterday including a treadmill test. I won't have full results for a few weeks, but was told there were no obvious red flags and I'm okay to resume workouts but to ease back in.
My questions: assuming I get the all clear, am I nuts to be thinking about starting OS on 1/3/11 and doing my first HIM this year? Will waiting to start OS in February (seems like I have plenty of time with a September A race) make any difference? Do I just need my head examined (as my wife suggests)?
Thanks in advance . . . enjoying lurking in the forums and looking forward to becoming a more active member.
there are very good EN threads on running in the heat. look them up and i am sure you'll get some good tips.
sounds like the conditions and your execution played a big role in your collapse.
assuming you are medically cleared, then the september race is a definite go, just prepare accordingly and establish your physical abilities beforehand (the box). during the race, stick to the pace plan until it's time to show what you have left. the OS and the forums will help you get to this point.
Medically speaking, a few things to consider:
-are you a big guy? big engine = more tendency to overheat, so be careful and fuel accordingly;
-do you sweat a lot or a little usually? get into the habit of weighing yourself before and after your workouts. log the fluids in during and compare before and after body weight. for example,if you are dropping 10.0lbs each time you go out and exercise, then you need to hydrate more
-you have already passed out once. watch for the signs next time and don't ignore them.
Learn as much as you can in the forums and I think you'll find yourself on the road to strong, healthy and smart racing very soon. we are all on the same road, so you'll have lots of company.
i DNF'd once just like you, only due to GI shutdown.
also hot and i was a non ENer at the time. HOWEVER, unlike you, I knew to stop once it started happening!!!

Good luck in the OS!
Go over to the Wiki and read up on the Season Planning stuff. That will help you lay out the year so that you have fun and don't get burnt out before September. Then post your plan over in the Macro thread for some validation/feedback from the coaches.
I'm 6'2", 185, so yes I'm on the bigger side. I'm also a pretty heavy sweater. I'm reading up on the resources on the wiki on measuring sweat rate, etc. and plan to be more methodical going forward.
Going to work on the season planning stuff this evening.
Thanks to both of your for your responses. Both helpful and positive, and much appreciated.