Not to hijack this thread, but...
Just a PSA. If you have to start a post with "not to hijack this thread, but", I hate to inform you, but you're too late.
Please consider starting a new thread, for the following reasons:
- there are no limits to the number of threads here (AFAIK)
- Those of us (such as Nemo) who routinely go back and search for stuff have the darndest time looking for info when it's buried in a totally unrelated thread
- Those who posed original questions probably don't want to read through unrelated or tangentially related threads
So, go ahead, start that new thread. You might even find that you get a higher quality response, since it's a dedicated spot for your question...
Not to hijack this thread, but is it a good idea to do 5hr trainer rides in the winter to build a base?
Dave don't forget your 2 1/2 Z-1 runs.