Socks or No Socks?
I have only done long course triathlons, and, I am curious if there is a reason for me to worry about transitioning to going sockless (which I would probably do during the OS) or if it really doesn't matter?
My personal thought would be that going sockless isn't really a big deal for long course...what's another 10 seconds in T1?...but, as I add some shorter races to the mix for variety, I guess it starts to become something to think about.
Anyone have thoughts one way or the other?
Bike = NO socks ever.
Run: Sprints and olympics = NO socks. Long course = must wear socks...time savings not worth risk of blisters.
My personal experience is almost identical to as above with a few exceptions/clarifications
Tri Bike-> no socks
Tri Run
Sprint -> no socks
Oly - > depends on the day, heat/humidity
70.3-> socks
Standalone Bike (event/group ride)
Standalone Run
socks (why not)
I tend to get blisters, so I adhere to the following:
Sprints = No Socks
Olympic, 1/2 and Full = Socks
Just make sure to train this way. Unless you are running in a pair of Zoot's you will probably get some blisters while your feet adapt to running with no socks. NuSkin and similar products will help.
No socks on the tri bike, cuz I don't want my socks filled with pee all day before I start to run
No socks on the road bike, though I know this is not Pro. I do wear socks when it's cold out.
Socks on the run, always. Not worth the risk of blisters.
Oly = no socks bike, socks run
HIM = socks on bike depend on temps/humidity, socks run
IM = socks bike, socks run
I've historically had hot spot/blister issues, so I try not to ever run w/o socks.
Key message is you have to find out what works for YOU! Personally, I can bike to up to 2.5 hours wihout socks, and run for 45 minutes without as well. So my race routine is: Sprints and Olys - no socks; HIM, put on socks in T2; IM, put on socks in T1, have spare pair available in T2, I used to even put an old pair in run special needs, mostly cause I always lose a toenail or two if I don't.
But when training, I ALWAYS wear socks, even for a 15 minute run.I can get rubbed raw within 15-20 minutes without socks on a treadmill. I see no point in messing up my tootsies any more than I already do 2-3 times a year in big long races.
Oh yeah, Matt!. 9 seconds at IM AZ in 08 got me a Kona slot! Who knows what made the difference - I did wear socks for bike and run that race.
bike - sprints (I haven't done an oly. Um, I should change that.), no socks ever. Run, no socks ever
HIM - I heart my socks. I bet biking with no socks would be fine, but I haven't tried it.
IM - I'm thinking two pairs of socks for the run. Especially if I master peeing on the bike.
I desperately wanted to train and race without socks, for the time savings, for less laundry, to prevent pee in my socks (explain that one to non triathletes), because I loved the look of Zoot running shoes, because everyone cool was doing it.
I am NOT prone to blisters. I can wear wet socks all day and not have a problem.
Biking without socks made my feet unbearably hot. I cannot explain that, but I was never so glad to get out of my bike shoes. I wanted to soak my feet in ice to cool them off.
Running without socks caused very small blisters, but again, my feet were unbearably hot.
I am perpetually cold, so you would think this would be great. But it is like fire for me.
Since I am MOP, I always wear socks. Every race, every distance. I only change socks between bike and run in IM- for obvious reasons.
Like most I vary with distance:
Sprint/Oly = No socks for Bike or Run
HIM = no socks bike/socks on run
IM = This year I switched to socks on the bike. Generally comfortable, but mixed review (see pee comments above)
One important thing for the run is the right shoe. I tried the Zoot shoe. It rubbed me the wrong way. I went to my local running store and tried on a bunch of different shoes. For sockless racing flat I went with the Saucony FastTwitch 3 w/speedlaces. It has treated my feet well and turned in some fast times this last year.
One thing that put me over the edge was a sprint I did mid-summer. I was coming off an 80 miler ride the day before and had a small rub on my foot. As a precaution I took the time to put on socks. I ended up missing hardware by 1 second!!! NO SOCKS IF YOU DON'T NEED THEM!
I appreciate everyone's feedback. I have only ever thought about socks on or off at the bike leg, but, never thought about biking without them, and adding them for the run. I am really only doing long distance tris, so, socks or no socks isn't a HUGE issue as long as I don't take 3 minutes to get them on. That being said, I might try getting used to biking without them since so many of you do that, and then I won't have to worry about doing that fresh out of the water.
Thanks for all the help!