Home OutSeason (December '09)

Week 2 Long Run

Well, how'd it go gang?

I was able to get outside for the run today...kinda stretched it out slightly by 10 min, very pretty day here this am.  I ran with a friend who is not on the EN program and she ended up pacing me a little faster than my TP for the second mile repeat.  I just now finished reading the running with pace ebook and now realize how important running on the pace numbers is.  I'll work harder keeping on those numbers next time I do an outside run.  

Looking forward to 3 X 10 at z4-5 on the Tuesday bike workout image






  • Did m ne yesterday in a downpour. Hurt my calf. Not to bore everyone on this group but I will be complaining about calf muscle pulls for the entire season- just the reality of my body. But this one doesn't feel too bad so I should be back in a couple days. Maintained my paces though and only had to cut off half a mile at the end.

  • John, how do you care for this and what preventative measures (if any) have you taken?

  • Mike:

    Glad the run went well for you! I had a good run but it was a little bit of a struggle, I snuck in a charity 5K on Saturday with my 11 year old daughter and what I thought was going to be a leisurely run turned into her kicking my butt for 3 miles! Will have to remember that when you run with a group of athletes (even if they are all 11-16 years old) from the same volleyball club it will be competive! She did really well though being the youngest runner she came in 2nd out of about 25! John sorry to hear about the calf muscles, hope you get to feeling better and back to it.

  • My knee gave out on me - been bothering me on and off since NY marathon - i think it's the IT Band, i'm gonna give my IT a nice stretch before tomorrow's intervals and if that's not the solution, time to see a Dr.
  • Posted By Patrick McCrann on 15 Dec 2009 06:17 AM

    John, how do you care for this and what preventative measures (if any) have you taken?


    P - I have been dealing with this calf thing for 6 years now. Tried everything under the sun but no consistent results yet. Right now I have orthotics that have let me at least train to some extent. But when I get a pull like this one, the only thing that seems to help is R.I.C.E.. The most important of those is rest. It is eternally frustrating but it is my reality. Thanks for asking and any advice is very welcome




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