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Forums: Not Read

This used to work before so I don't know if this is a bug.

I am logged in and able to access all other features but if I click on Not Read from the Navigation in Forums, I see a listing of all the posts I haven't read yet.  But everytime I click on one of the links, I now get the following message.  The system is telling me to login as if I was not a member.



Here's an example of the URL I tried accessing:


Thanks so much for visiting Endurance Nation. As an online team of over 500 Ironman and 70.3 triathletes, we have placed all of our membership resources behind a password protected wall.

Thanks and we'll see you online or at the races!

Rich & Patrick

Your Endurance Nation Coaches


  • Options
    I get this too--the cause for me is that I'm trying to view forums that I don't have access too. For example October OS.
  • Options
    If you subscribe to all the OS forms, it will minimize the issue. Otherwise, you can see where the thread originates after clicking on the not read link, and just skip these ones.
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