Week 11 Thread
I was going to ask who was going to take a crack at the super-duper Pwer Clinic hack this week. Much to my surprise, not, Olivia has already gotten it done. Way to go!
I am going to give it a try tomorrow morning myself. Hopefully the legs can hold up.
Olivia is the superwoman of the group! She probably signed up the instant she got back from vacation.
Personally, I'm feeling a little overwhelmed at the moment. I'm going to stick with the basic OS workouts this time around. Even the Holiday run challenge sounds like too much right now, but maybe I'll change my mind by next week. Good luck and strong legs to all of you power junkies!
I gave the Power Clinic test a shot too, but after the VO2 interval I knew I wasn't on form...1.24 ratio for me, so I'm skipping the clinic.
I've been feeling weak on the bike the last couple of workouts anyway, at least my run has been solid...maybe I'll sign up for the Holiday run chalenge...hmm..
Have a great week 11, team!
I was going to do the test on Thursday as the legs are a little toasted from a Sunday run (I got a bit carried away) and a weight workout yesterday. Those 30/30's were tough this morning.
Yeah, the 5 x 5 30/30's this morning was brutal on the trainer this AM. I ran 11.5miles on Saturday (first ride longer than 8 miles in 8 weeks) and then rode 85 hard miles on Sunday (totally blowing up at mile 75). I'm still feeling it and the 30/30's were freakin' tough, but I got 'em done somehow.
I did give the power test a go. Stupidly I tried to do it less than 24 hrs after a red eye flight back to Denver from the East coast, a week of less than stellar vacation nutrition, and general struggles with getting back into the groove. It really didn’t go so badly, but it wasn’t perfectly executed. Put me right on the fence numbers wise. I probably should have waited a few days and until after I had at least one bike workout under my belt (only bike I rode on vacation was a beach cruiser). At this point I’m leaning toward not doing the clinic. I’ve got no shortage of butt-kicking, leg shredding work laid out in the standard plan….I have no doubt about that.
BTW - I have come to realize that I really like 30/30s. It might be odd, but I do. I like them a lot.
Olivia, I'm with you. I much prefer the 30/30's to the 12' - 20' FTP intervals. I just think it's less taxing (mentally and physically) being able to crush it for a short period vs. having to concentrate on pacing the longer intervals.
Olivia, I agree with you about sticking to the regular plan. I can also guarantee that if I did the test sets I would be in the around 1.15 range but still think I have plenty to gain from the normal OS plan.
I have NO mojo this week.....non.....bleck...
Power hack, push up challenges, I can barley hang on to my beginner plan let alone anything extra. Sheryl I am with you and cannot seem to find the mojo. I need to get my head in this thing. For those going to southern Utah, May 1, I think we are less then 20 weeks away. That scares me. I hope you all continue to have a great week. I have two down and three workouts to go...
Hope all of you have a Merry Christmas. All of you continue to inspire me with your commitment. We all shine but we may not all shine during the same weeks.
Tom...why did you say 20 weeks???? I am doing Oschner in NOL in April. I have less than 20 weeks???? sigh. I kinda got the mojo back. I ended up going to the fitness club and did the bike and run. No PT but it was nice to just do the brick within 5 feet of each other. I mixed up my week a little.
I need to get started on sit up push up challenge...I'm gonna have to do the girly thing....
The mojo has been a little bit of a struggle for me this week too. I'm attributing it to the fact that I'm still on my modified post-vacation schedule. I like the order and consistency of the regular schedule because there is no mental component to getting it done. You just do what's on the page on the day. This modified stuff has me all messed up because it doesn't match what's on the page for this particular day. I know, I'm mental! In reality I'm very comfortable with ambiguity and deal with it constantly at work....but with training I like things to be locked. Goes back to Mark calling us whack-jobs a few weeks ago I guess.
Happy Friday!!
Sounds like we are all struggling a little bit with the mojo this week. I love the Christmas season but am ready for the new year so things can get back to normal! All of these holiday parties are messing up my normally "clean" eating and sleeping schedule.
For those of you doing IMSG: WOW! Those 20 weeks will fly by. At what point do you peeps transition from our OS group to IM prep?
Have a great weekend, all!
Did the power clinic test last night... glad I'm not a candidate, becasue that test SUCKED!..
I too like the 30/30's better than the FTP stuff. Haven't figured out if is because it is short and easier mentally or what.
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I hope everyone has a great weekend and crushes the remaining workouts
Hope all your workouts were good, as well.