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Bike test: 40 mins or 42 mins

On the OS bike tests, we do 20', 2' rest, then 20'. Is the FTP the average power for the whole 42' or just the 40'? I ask because I've seen it referenced different ways in the podcasts, board, etc. The training plan says 42' but just wanted to check.



  • You load the 42" into WKO and get the Normalized Theshold Power from that. It's a little different than the average.
  • There are several interpretations for FTP testing protocol, but as I understand, the EN strategy is a 42' test (2 x 20' w/2min spin) using NP as opposed to AP.  Ideally, you can hold 105-110% of your FTP for each of the 20' intervals, and the 2' spin in between will effectively reduce your 42' average down toward your 1 hour average.  Using NP instead of AP will further account for the stress nonlinearity incurred during the 20' intervals.  It's not a bulletproof 1 hour time trial, but it correlates well.

  • Thanks. I've never been able to load Computrainer files into WKO+ so I just use the average power from the 42' effort on a flat course. I assume that will be roughly the same as the WKO+ NTP.
  • Hi Tim

    I have a Computrainer that I use a laptop to control.  I followed the instructions on the WKO site on how to set up the Computrainer output files. After the workout I would copy the output file to a thumb drive.  Then I would insert the thumb drive into my main computer where I have WKO installed. Finally, I use WKO to open and load the output file from the thumb drive.

    Post if you have trouble.



  • Posted By Tim Niedecken on 09 Jan 2011 08:56 PM

    Thanks. I've never been able to load Computrainer files into WKO+ so I just use the average power from the 42' effort on a flat course. I assume that will be roughly the same as the WKO+ NTP.

    Your last point is somewhat true, assuming that you can hold the power dead nuts during your intervals.  However, you must be mindful that not all stress is created equal.  If your power drifts at all during the intervals, you will have a VI > 1.0 (which you will have anyhow, due to the 2' rest interval).  Normalized power accounts for the fact that the stress incurred above FTP is not proportional to the recovery obtained below FTP.  An hour at FTP is practical, but 30' at 120% + 30' at 80% is not practical.  Both average out to an hour at 100%, but 30' at 120% will break you well before you get to 30' at 80%.


  • Thanks Justin, this was a big help. My avg on the test last night was 208. I followed the Computrainer guidance above and with the upload into WKO+, saw a NP of 210. I appreciate the help.

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