Vo2 failure
So I saw and replied to a thread about repeated Vo2 Failures on the main forum. I wanted to share some thoughts on this subject because last week I was really frustrated and mentally checking out.
I am sure the coaches will chime in with their agreement or astonishment at how stupid I am shortly. :-)
Vo2 Max is a zone. It is not a specific 120%. Just like your training is a continum, so is this zone. I know the workout sheets have 120% listed as the goal, but Vo2 max is often considered 105% - 120%. And typically you need about 2min to really get into Vo2.
For the most part, these sets are not pass/fail. Just because you can't hold 120% does not mean you failed the set. You're probably a freak if you can hold 120% on all of them after doing 2x20. I am good at these and can't even come close to that.
so change your mentality and look at the continum. Build into these sets like you would an FTP set as they are long sets considering the wattage we're holding. Don't look at missing 120% as failure, get into the Z5 zone and hold it there.
The only time the set is really a failure is if you drop below 105% (Rnp may say 110%). If you do that it might be time to call it a day and get some recovery. Or this may be your weakness.
Anyway, I started the Vo2 stuff really strong. I even said it was easy. But it will get you tired, especially combined with the other work. Don't expect to be operating at your max every day. Some days you have it, others you dont. But do try to sit in z5 as much as possible.
If you can't hit 120%, no problem. If you can't stay in Z5, then it is time to evaluate how you are feeling and look at your recovery.
Its too long an OS to stress about not hitting 120% when I doubt many people do hit that every time.
Excellent post! Training is not all or nothing. As RnP say about training outside the Haus, no one workout is going to make much of a difference six months out from your race.