Home Group Discussion-OutSeason November 2010

Week 11 Run Thread



  • Had to do the run on the treadmill because of all the snow out there.  It didn't seem to hard at the start but it got real tough in a hurry.  I think my brain was malfunctioning towards the end, I was suppose to finish up with 2 X 400's  but poor caculations had me doing an 800 on that 1st 400 instead.  No wonder why it seemed like it would never end.

    Had the treadmill at 10.0 (6:00 min) pace at 2% incline.

    Very easy relaxing swim tomorrow, looking foward to giving the legs a rest day.

  • 4X200
    was something like 5:27-5:15 per mile pace for all efforts. It went well. I added some inline on the last half going from 1-4%. I like to build through an interval, so I'll start at 11.1 and kick it up every 40 seconds .1 mph or add half a degree of incline.
  • A repeat of the Tue workout it shall be! Dreadmill once again...

    4 x 200 (.13mi): 7:15, 6:44, 6:47, 6:51

    2 x 800 (.5mi): 7:02, 6:58

    4 x 200 (.13mi): 6:43, 6:34, 6:34, 6:35

    2 x 400 (.25mi): 7:02, 6:43

  •  Had to do my Sunday long run today (Fri) b/c M is out of town on her annual girls trip. Sched called for 14 incl 3 x 2mi @ TP/z4, but the ice and snow and wind had other plans...I got in 13.3 good miles, but nothing flashy....hoping it was the "right" thing for my body and that I'll be back soon!

  • Got it done on the treadmill this morning, but I had to keep it to 60 minutes so I can head off to day two of meditation training.
    10' warmup
    2 x 2 miles at 9.1MPH (1 mile at 7.3MPH)
    15' at 7.3MPH
    The 2-mile stints at Z4 were a lot easier today than previous Z4 treadmill runs; I guess I'm getting accustomed to treadmill work.
  • Got up at 3:50 am to get my run in before working the FD for 24 hours. Was in bed at 7:50 pm. My wife was making lite of the video that has been floating around on FB lately and kept saying, "what are you doing training for an Ironman or something." Got to love her cause she is a funny one.

    Any how the run is done and felt great. 1 mile wu, 2x2mile repeats with a 1 mile recovery and the remainder at easy to marathon pace. 9.25 miles and it felt great.

    Have a great day.
  • The run is done and so goes week 11.
    1:12:08 9.12
    2x2 @ 6:60 (that's what GTC says)
    Picked Riley up for the last mile or so of Z1 stuff.
  • High quality run today, well, too high through a techno-glitch. I had 2 x 2 miles scheduled @ 8:55 pace. It was my first run out with a new Garmin 405 and I had the settings wrong on the watch. I like running with distance showing kilometers and the pace in miles. Unfortunately the distance was wrongly set in miles and by the time I had hit 3.2 kilometers I realized I had run 3.2 MILES. 

    Crud. Suck it up Buttercup. I reset the watch during the recovery and ran the second set of 2 miles (3.2 kilometers). 

    Goal pace: 8:55

    3 miles continuous at 8:47, 8:49, 8:40 splits.

    2 miles continuous at 8:38, 8:34 splits.

    Total time of run: 1:18:00

    Stoopidy Works! 

  • Got up at 3:50 am to get my run in before working the FD for 24 hours.

    Why not just run at the station.....you guys aren't that busy
  • I've been negelcting my stretching, foam rolling, core/stability routines for the last three weeks and I finally felt it today. Did my first 2 mile interval at TP and my left hip and anterior tib tightened up badly. Both are problem areas for me. My back was bothering me a bit too. I skipped the second interval and just realaxed for a while and then finally started to loosen up. Ended up with a decent run of 9 miles in 1:04. Really good news is that 7:00 pace felt really slow to me.

  • Posted By Dan Gilliatt on 16 Jan 2011 11:49 AM
    Got up at 3:50 am to get my run in before working the FD for 24 hours.

    Why not just run at the station.....you guys aren't that busy

    That's what I was thinking!


    I got mine done outside and felt great today.  10 miles in 1:13:57.  My non-interval miles were too fast but I wasn't pushing at all so I just went with it.  I will get in a great stretch and some roller work tomorrow at the station.


  • Wow... Week 11 was definitely my week.  I guess this resting stuff actually works, who knew

    After having my best 2 x 20 ever yesterday at 290 and 291 watts, still nailing the rest of the workout, having a great brick run, and then setting a PR in the pool, I really thought I was going to pay for it today.

    I decided to go run at the gym today and use a treadmill that actually goes over 10mph, instead of running at a 2-6% grade like I do at home.  I just calibrated my footpod outside last week and did three calibrations in a row on a flat straight road.  All three were within 2 points of each other so I'm confident in the calibration.

    Anyway, I did the 2 x 2mi (1mi) at 5:39 and 5:30 recovered for a little under a mile and then finished up with 3 miles at 5:54.  FWIW, the treadmill had the TP and HMP stuff about 2-5" per mile slower then my garmin, my EP was almost dead on between the TM and garmin.



  • For fun I went on an group Mountain Bike ride on gravel roads this morning that ended up being a little under 2 hours. Was pretty drained, but still managed, just barely, to hit 2x2mi at the track at 7:20 pace. Had about 30 minutes of easy running around town after that. Looking forward to some quality rest.
  • @ Matt and Beverly - impressive job!  Way to "get it done!"


    Felt like the Gorilla got bigger today……….


  • Got it done at the fire station today 2x2 only was interrupted by a call between the two sets. Sorta story of my weekend, same thing happened yesterday on my bike w/o.


    went fine, good work everybody.
  • No magic for me today. Went to the gym to hit the treadmill. All parts of the run felt tough. Struggled through both intervals and recovered and tried to end it with some zone 2-3 stuff. I actually had to jump on the rails for about 15 seconds of the second interval. Got a few odd looks from the people around me.

    2 miles @ 11:52
    2 miles @ 12:21

    total run 11 miles in 1:15

    @Matt Ancona- Awesome form in January!
    @Beverly- Jealous of the mountain bike ride. Mine is feeling awfully lonely these days.
  • Overslept with all the rain and had to run after church in the afternoon. I haven't run in the afternoon since summertime bricks, so this was very different. Target 2mi = 15:00 and Z4 AVHR = 164 - 170. Using Matt's suggestion to run at pace if the HR isn't coming up, then if HR is over the zone, back down and not use pace. (I think I got that right)

    2mi @ 14:57, AVHR 163
    2mi @ 15:05, AVHR 170

    Total run @ 9 miles in about 1:30 (yes, that includes stretching)

    @Rob - if that is "no magic...", be sure to post when you do - that is way impressive.

  • My legs were a bit heavy, but the run went well today.

    10.1 miles in 1:14. (sorry for cheating...)

    2 mi @ 6:28
    2 mi @ 6:25

    Felt easy. Really "threshold" in the sense of being able to hold it for a long while...not straining to finish the 2 mi at all. (An hour? not sure about that) I'm hoping this VO2 stuff helps my VDOT because I don't seem to test much faster than these relatively "easy" threshold paces. (My VDOT has me doing 6:44 for TP)

    We'll see.

  • Had to throw in the towel today just past mile 2 of a 16 mile long run.... dont know what happeded, just all of a sudden I got a cramp in my left calf.... I was still running slow and easy.... had to walk - jog home....

    Spent some time with the Stick and put some compression on it... heading now to get some ice and watch some Patriots... bummer....
  • Like many others, I had some probs with the 2.5/2.5 when we entered the Vo2 Max sessions. But that is now coming around...Was just a bit nervous about the 2x2mi @ Z4 run today because yesterday I nailed the bike, and really felt it last night...

    But got the run all done today right as scheduled using new zones from last test.. Fastest 5 mile time in 3 years of OS

    Between the bike & run this has been a big confidence booster weekend

    Good work everyone
  • New shoe day!

    Felt a little banged-up this morning so pushed the run to the afternoon. I have been saving my new shoes for when I needed a little motivation. Put on my new kicks and channeled my inner 10 year old (new shoes make you fast!) and got a little carried away. Z4 for me is 8:12

    1 X 2 mile: 8:00, 7:51

    1 X 2 mile: 7:46, 7:54

    Although had to cut it short... 49:30 for 6 miles exactly as the Dull Knee pain in left knee that has been showing up pretty consistently at around the 6 mile mark the last couple of weeks showed up again... I'm with Matt S on getting to work more on core/stability exercises, etc.... and form, I have noticed when running on the treadmill in front of a mirror that my left leg flails out a bit...

  • passed on the Sunday run. calf is tender with footstrikes, just giving it a couple of days rest. shooting for a light run on Tuesday and then back on schedule for Wed.
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