Should my SO be allowed to train/race with my extra PT?
I currently train with a PowerTap built into an mavic open pro. I race with a cover on the back and a HED Jet 60 in the front. This works well, until I get into windy conditions, which happened at an HIM in 2009. It was too late to remove the cover by the time I realized how windy it was going to be on the bike. I know I spent more energy keeping it upright.
This year I’m doing IM WI and am considering purchasing an additional PT built into a rear HED Jet 6 to match the front. I would use this instead of the mavic with a cover for races that are windy or hilly. Each year I purchase a tax return gift for myself, and this would be this year’s gift. We also have no plans for kids, so have a good amount of expendable income.
My quandary is, I mentioned this idea to my SO. His first response was if he could use the one I wasn’t using. He’s currently in the NOS with me and training with heart rate. Indoors, I’m not too worried about him using it, but I don’t really know if I want him to use the HED outside. And, I will always use my HED front in races. If I use the mavic in a race, he would have the HED rear and nothing to match it up front. Would that look really odd? For training outside, I would always use the mavic. I like the fast feel during a race of the “disk” and don’t want to feel that outside of a race (mental games). I’m not too excited about him training with the HED rear outside. It’s not that I don’t trust him, I just don’t trust what he can’t control.
I was also wondering, does anyone else has two PT wheels for different racing conditions? Is this odd?
Well, the Hed wheels are very strong and can certainly withstand training, as to the rest......I'm not getting in the middle of that
Whoa! Sharing a PowerTap; more revealing of relationship status than riding a tandem together?
As a guy, if my wife had TWO PTs, and I've got NONE, I'd be a little miffed, if I were also into Tri.
As to looking odd: this is America, if you've got it, flaunt it. Personally, at a race or in a group ride, I never notice the brand of other's bikes, much less the wheels or components. And if someone does bring it up, it's always good for a five minute conversation enjoyed by the type of person who would notice/ask to begin with.
Bottom line for me: buy it, and share it.
@Hayes - Good to know. And, if something happens to the wheel, it's not like I have to re-buy the PT too, just the wheel. It would still suck, just not as bad.
@Al - We tried tandem once. The communication needed for the stopping and starting didn't work so well. I don't know how people can tandem mountain bike. That amazes me! And, good point and about the wheel difference being an interesting conversation starter.
@Jennifer - I'm more concerned about the extra weight of the mavic + cover vs the Jet 6. I'm sure there's some discussion in the forums somewhere, I just need to look.
@Rich - Just sent an email for the quote
If you just want a rear race wheel go for it, however I doubt that it will be much easier to handle the pair of Jet 60s than the 60/Disc. If you want easier to handle i would go Jet 40 up front with a disc or Jet 40/60.
tell him to get his own