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Which muscles do we use for cycling??

I did a 60-minute Spinervals workout today instead of the prescribed 60 minute OS bike workout, just to mix it up. In the Spinervals workout there were 4x30" sets of "squats" (without weight). My quads are really burning tonight, moreso than from a typical OS workout. Couple questions:

Do we use different muscles for cycling than for squats? Is it not the same basic motion?

Does this soreness demonstrate that I need some cross-training?

Or does this soreness mean my bike fit is not allowing me to employ the correct muscles?

Thanks for any help.



  • John,
    The short answer is "No", the long answer is "Yes and No"
    I think what you are suffering from is not muscle soreness from using new muscle groups, it is muscle soreness from doing 120 reps of squats. When was the last time you did squats? did you do 120 of them?
    If you answered "I don't know" and "No", I think that should tell you why you are sore. I am all for some body weight squats to add a little cross training to a bike workout, but I would start with a smaller set of reps, such as 4 sets of 10-12 and work your way up to 30.
    As for bike fit, have you had it looked at? are you having other problems with body position that makes you think your bike does not "fit" you anymore? That is a whole new can of worms, but I suggest you pose that question to the members and see what you get...there are some very smart people in this haus.
    Good Luck, and maybe add some ice time to your recovery day image
  • John,

    What cadence do you pedal at? Let's say around 80rpm. So, for a 1 hour bike, you turn the pedals 4800 times. Could you do 4800 squats?

    What's hard to remember about biking and running is that they are not related to the way we traditionally think about strength (I.e. How much weight can I lift?). Even at VO2max, you are pushing so much less than you do in a squat. This is why many coaches have come to the conclusion that traditional weight lifting doesn't improve performance.

    Can squats help your biking? Maybe so, maybe not. Not really the point of your question. But it makes sense that you are sore. Probably doesnt have anything to do with your bike fit.
  •  Thanks guys- Yes, I did about 120 squats, and I hadn't done that since the last time I did a Spinervals workout...in 2009. So I guess I shouldn't be surprised to be sore. But I was thinking the muscles were similar. Mike, I see your point about the amount of weight. No, I have no other problems on the bike, I love the fit. But I didn't know if I was missing some muscle recruitment that could help. Thanks for responding

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