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Timing for IM WI

I signed up for my first full IM, WI in September.  Thats about 35 weeks away. 

To get the best bang for the buck, I'm wondering what the timing of individual plans or maybe a full membership might look like.  Would I start with the February OS group, pick up part way through with the Jan group?  And at what point do I then transition to the regular IM race plan?

Thanks all,


(looks like I'm in the Intermediate plan class, if that makes a difference)


  • So usually you'll start the IM plan about 12 weeks out from your race, have a week of transition before that, and then the time before that is for the OS. I think it works out that you could do 20 weeks of the OS starting in February, do your transition week, and then jump into 12 weeks for IM training. This might be a long time of "training" and you might want to consider breaking up the season with a race before, but that's totally up to you. The benefit of being a full member isn't really all about the timing of the training plans, but more about what else you get by being a member (access to the forums and tons of smart people, access to the coaches, information in the wiki, support during the training, etc.). While in the haus you get the most updated plans and knowledge on how to adjust if necessary, the biggest benefit is all the support and information. My $.02. There's a wiki article about planning your season (if you become a full member) and you can post to the Macro thread in the trial forum too with questions.
  • Brian,

    We are going to change the trial process (will get it done in the next day or so) so that you'll submit a survey to us and I'll give you a season plan, outlining your movement from plan to plan.

    We do that now but after you have decided to become a member: giving you a season plan and setting you up with your actual training plan. But we want to bring that process into the trial period so that you have a more complete picture of how we work here.

    To answer your question, I would have a conversation with you via email about what you've been doing this season and then do the smart guy thing to start you with a training plan.

  • @Rich - sounds like a plan.  Should I be watching somewhere for that survey or will you email me or ???



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