Home OutSeason (December '09)

EN Rookie with Questions

 I'm brand new to EN and have a few questions about getting started.  I managed to do some big stuff in '09.  I did 2 HIM (KS70.3 and Pigman) races and 2 IM races (IMMOO and IMAZ).  I pretty much have forced myself to take a full on break after AZ just to cool down.

Now that I am an EN member I'm looking for advice on getting started.


1) I selected myself as advanced based on my half times.  They were both spot on 5:00 (+seconds).  My IM times weren't quite the standard listed, but I don't think I had my best days either.

2) when should I get started?  I am scheduled to start next week, but I never really gave any history for where I was coming from.  I'm wondering if I'm starting too soon, or if it is a good time to get rolling again.




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