Home Group Discussion-OutSeason November 2010

Week 15 Rest Day

Oh, Monday it is! My legs feel like they're made of concrete. Swimming...shwimming...it's Nap Time! 

Luckily my wife Jane is in the Dec OS and doesn't read this.....please let's keep the nap thing quiet okay? 




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    I'm following the beginner swim O/S plan and did 2500 yards today. No time for a nap today, but I did get a quick one in yesterday. Looking forward to some good FTP work this week!
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    Did my first 1,000M swim followed by some light weights since Nov - man was that ugly!

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    Yup - swimming also. Just 1500m total alternating 100 swim sprints with kicking. Mostly recovery for the legs and the joy of just doing short sprints without the mega dist ance stuff. Breaks up work with a lunch wko and helps kick my work coffee habit!
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    I played some Wii, that's about it. A rare day off work for me.
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    Day 4 of rest for me.....fighting some sinusitus/bronchitis/just won't leave me alone thing. Hoping to get on the bike again tomorrow evening after work because there's no way I'm going to be up at 4 to start the bike feeling like this. Hoping to start swimming again by Friday. Here goes week 15....
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    Got in about 2700 yards in the pool. Felt good, legs are toast after the weekend. Swam Friday evening also. I'm noticing that my upper body gets a bit tired, but man have I got some cardio endurance. Can motor pretty hard without the lung burn and Lactic acid feel I had last fall for virtually the same splits. So, I don't think taking a couple months off from the pool has hurt too much.
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    I swam also. 2nd time in the pool in 5 months. Got in 3200 SCY with my masters team. No speed at all but my form felt great. I'll take it.

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    Swam 45 min. all with the swim bouy and really concentrated on stroke mechanics.   Was very relaxing.   Also stretched very well and rolled the legs, that was not so relaxing, pretty painful actually.    Felt great all afternoon though, extra bounce in my step.

    Ready for the 2 X 20's now.

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    I'm telling Elly. Nice to see that I am not the only one swimming these days. I am just a horrible swimmer, so got the coaches okay to put it in. Will do a swim focus after Boston when I am suppose to be resting HARD so that I can start my HIM plan for a June 26 HIM. Have not been posting in here, as I am week behind you guys, but have been on the dashboard.

    Did my bike test today and upped my FTP from 171 to 179. I started 14 weeks ago at 162. Super happy that the hard work is paying off. Wed is run test, but left leg is just not happy running fast, so I will do my best but do not expect much. If there is no change what I might do is change my incline from 1% to 1.5% for the month of feb and up to 2% for the month of march with the same paces. It will make them harder but in a different way.

    Cheers boys and Elly I am telling change. Us Chica's must stick together......unless you can promise to cook me and my hubby dinner if we are ever in Toronto. According to Jane you have done some cooking lessons.
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    This should have been call Week 15 Swim.... Swam 2000 on Monday and another 3000 today. Like Bob A. all pull for my free swim. I'll wait till I start OWS in a wetsuit will I start to kick. I'm not much of a swimmer but I know I can go long without using legs to kick.
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