20wk or 12 wk Plan vs. Cont. OS?
Obviously when you switch from the OS/Transition to the IM plans there is inc. volume (less rest)
Is it better to continue the OS up to the 12 wk IM plan start time (with inc. rest and hopefully inc your VO2 run pace and FTP bike power) or is it better to start at the 20 wk out point (with it's beginning emphasis on the endurance component)?
What have some of the experienced folks found out?
Does, after 12 weeks, the endurance component get as good as you can get it for race day?(as opposed to the endurance fitness that a 20 wk plan has to offer)
Just planning ahead!
I would stay in the OS so you can continue to make big gains. 12 weeks is plenty of time for a build up to an IM.