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Ending Oct OS on way to IMCDA - General Prep v. 20 wk plan

I'm getting some mixed messages and wanted to see what others experience has been.  When I planned my season I thought I would get done with the OS (intermediate) take a week or two off and then hit general prep then jump in the 12 wk IM plan.  Now I'm seeing that its recommended by some to take the rest but jump into the 20 wk IM plan with no general prep.  Without having seen the general layout structure of either (general prep v. IM plan) I'm not sure which way to go. I'm in the pacific NW and won't be able to get out consistently on the bike for several weeks.   This will be my second IMCDA.  So, thoughts on general prep v. 20 week IM plan.


  • Michael, I am doing CdA with you this year, and I have just started the 20 week IMswim supplement (in wiki) and am staying in the OS until 3-14 weeks out. Then, I will take my 1-2 week transition, will do a couple of nice long slower rides (not training specific, just enjoy some time on the wheels OFF the trainer), then I will hit the last 12 weeks leading up to CdA strong. That is exactly what I would recommend for you to do. IF weather permits you to get outside on any of your weekend rides between now and then, get out and enjoy the air and log some extra z3 time.
  • FYI, the 20wk plan is divided into 8wks general prep and 12wks race prep. So, for example, if you were to load up the 20wk plan when you're 16wks out from IMCDA, you would be starting in Week 5, giving you 4wks Gen Prep and 12wks Race Prep.

    I think the simplest solution for you would be to:

    1. Finish the OS
    2. Do 1x transition week. We added transition guidance to the wiki yesterday so check that out.
    3. Load up the 20wk plan to end on IMCDA. Dunno what the calendar math will be or what week of the IM plan you'll be dropped into.
    4. Then do the smart guy thing to adjust your long rides and perhaps long runs to your weather conditions. For example, if the plan calls for a 3hr long ride but you're on a trainer, just do 90-120' similar to an OS workout.
  • Perfect!!!! Thanks Coach!!!
    @Stephen- Thanks as well and I will see you in CDA in 4+ months. Happy Training!!!
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