ironman training bike nutrition.
Now that i'm into the ironman prep, am back to ironman nutrition on the bike.
Perpeteum works well for me.
Last season I tried to do 400 cals/hour training and racing. (I am 185 lbs). Did tolerate this ok.
Reading EN materials, lower amounts are recommended. So for the long bikes this weekend, I tried to diall back to 300 cals/hour.
Had some problems getting the bikes done (but did).
Mainly mental as I was all indoors? Or too little nutrition?
Should I go back to the big man 400 cals/hour?
Yeah, riding inside like that HAS to mentally beat you up! That is SO much trainer time, I can't even imagine that!
Also keep in mind that 300 cal/hr is a suggestion. If 400 works for you and you tolerate it well, that's ok. That being said, I would continue to experiment with less.
What Stephen said. It's not so much a matter of conditions, it's trying out a plan (200-300cals/hr) that's worked for many, many people. If you do find out that you "need" more, that's fine, but try it our way first. And on race day HIGHLY recommend you think less is more. Don't suck down cals because you're bored or something. I've managed hundreds, thousands of IM finishers and I can't think of a single legimate bonk -- poor performance caused by too few cals. I can think of many folks who've gotten into trouble cuz they ate too much.
Tough lesson learned that day.
Yes low energy.
Thanks all. Will try at lower calories for a bit.
@ coach.
Ok. thanks for the same sized advice.
Though not sure about the pre-race icecream.
It could be the Perpetum. I know several people who have developed an intolerance over time to it. Just another thought.
In fact, the nutrition table on themm looks similar to Hammer Gel.