Race wheels: with or without PT
I don't have a Power Tap but do nearly all training on a Computrainer so I have a pretty good feel for power. For IM TX I was going to rent some better wheels than my training set (Wheelbuilder covers will not work on my wheels).
If I'm renting wheels, should I get a PT hub or just go with a regular hub? I'm asking because I want to be focused on the race and not some new gadget to monitor power. If I rent, I won't have but one or two short rides to calibrate/understand the PT.
Typically when people get a new power meter the recommendation is just to ride for a couple weeks and get the feel for it. Riding outside and keeping the power even (low VI) is a skill that is worked on different from riding on the trainer and I assume the computrainer. It would be great to be able to do the race with power, but you don't want to be distracted by numbers that have no meaning. You will not have an outdoor FTP nor will you want to do a test in the days coming in to the test.
I'd say just save the money and put that towards the PT purchase next near. I might even go further and say forgo the wheel rental all together, but I do understand the need to have race wheels.
From someone with several years of experience training indoors on a CT and trying to then train/race on another power meter. While there is often a correlation betwen the numbers (e.g., right now my indoors FTP on the CT is 190 and on my PT it is 200), that not only varies over time, but the FTP will also vary indoors to outdoors, often being higher outdoors. (E.g., for me 208/229/260 CT indoors, PM indoors, PM out last year's bests.)
Gordon and Nemo (where've ya been??!!) both make excellent points. Getting used to watching the numbers outdoors takes some time, and then adjusting riding style to that information takes even more time. Best to either spend $$ on a training wheel with PT and wheel cover NOW, or just go with HR and rented wheel race day.