@Nemo: That was just one small thing about Mardi Gras. John and I are not big, or even little, party people. We enjoy the people watching, the parades and floats. It is also a lot of fun to watch the kids. I would HIGHLY recommend going at least once. Keep up the good work at work - the end of quarter will be over soon and things will get back to normal.
@Beverly: Exciting stuff! I'm glad you are motivated to start looking around. Keep us posted!
@Jennifer: Listen to your body. Glad you are scaling things back a bit.
@Barb: Allergies are horrible down here, too. Ugh.
@Mary: I think it has to be done in a salon. They have to go over each tiny section with a flat iron 6 times. It takes about 2 hours to do with my very short hair.
I have a love-hate relationship with daylight savings. I like it being light late, but like it being light early. We are not light until 7:30AM down here. Really puts a crimp in walking the dogs in the morning.
I'm finding that not just logging, but the accountability of having Nemo "watching" is really helping. myfitnesspal.com doesn't (at least I haven't seen it) let people see all the details about your food, but does share when you lose weight (not gain), and posts to others about your workouts. It is very motivating if anyone wants to join us.
Work is still good. Busy, but a lot of fun.
One of our dog-kids has been having tummy trouble for a while and is losing weight. I finally had enough and setup a phone consult with a veterinary nutritionist who is in Boston. We are supposed to talk tonight at 5:30. I can't wait to see what she says.
With all of the traveling the past couple of weeks working out has fallen off the plate again. I'm also so tired from all the traveling that when the alarm goes off, I'm just turning it off and going back to sleep. I'm hoping to get re-started tomorrow. I need to start running on hard surfaces a bit, but am kind of scared about it. Not sure how my knee is going to react to it. There is a park nearby that is dirt but has some concrete, too. I need to go over there and do it. That will allow me to work up to it. I know training for NY Marathon will be starting soon! YEA!
I'm finding that not just logging, but the accountability of having Nemo "watching" is really helping. myfitnesspal.com doesn't (at least I haven't seen it) let people see all the details about your food, but does share when you lose weight (not gain), and posts to others about your workouts. It is very motivating if anyone wants to join us.
Hey Penny, funny you should mention the visibility into the actual food we eat. I was thinking the same thing and was poking around the profile settings and I found this little checkbox area that let me permit "friends" to view my log entries. I checked it just this morning, so next time you go on there- see if you can see more of the detail.
It's been a HUGE help to know someone is out there seeing when I finish my entries for a day (or more importanly when I don't!). I would encourage you ladies to consider joining us if you are interested.
Oh I've had a bad bad week training wise. I got one sesh in in the last 5 days. Work is taking over my life again (Army, helicopter pilot) - getting to a busy stage where we're working so hard and doing the trips and I'm absolutely drained and getting in late with early starts. Had opportunities wiped from under my feet at least twice as well. Frustrated. I've eaten crap this week too (someone bought in donuts today..........)
How do you all deal with the frustrations? Just move on and accept it or do you make up for it? In two minds.......... hope everyone has had a more successful week than me!
Charlotte, ug I know the feeling. The best way I've found to deal with it is to just let the past be the past. Tomorrow is another day, wipe the slate clean and start over. If I try "making up" for stuff I just end up further down a black hole.
I'm currently staring out the window at a beautiful day pissed off that I'm not out there riding my bike. Grrrrrrr.. By the time I get out of this office I'll be too tired to do anything. Hoping to at least enjoy a walk on the beach or something.
Haven't checked in in awhile, but it is so good to hear about all of you out there.
I am in the mountains for a ski week with my kids for Spring Break. Pulled my hamstring AGAIN today out on the slopes and I'm not sure if I will be skiing a lot the rest of the week. I have Oceanside 70.3 in two weeks and ugh......not sure how I'm feeling about it. I am excited to spend the weekend with one of my buddies, but have so many worries about the race. My goals are few however for this race: try to maintain my goal watts (first time racing with power, and one of the first times I will actually be outside on my new bike!), hold down the pace on the first 3 miles of the run, and not panic on the swim. I should be able to do that, right?
I think I need to figure out how to get connected with all of you on the food diary stuff. I really expected to be about 5 pounds down by this time, and am a little discouraged that I haven't made any progress. I think one of my biggest problems is letting my body rest, I know I haven't gotten enough sleep lately. Hopefully I'll catch up a bit this week on vacation.
I am entering a new phase of parenthood....my son just asked out a girl for the first time! It is for prom in just a few weeks. Now I'm really feeling old!
Hi Ladies! Charlotte, I agree with Nemo. Just move on, and don't look back, on missed training opportunities. This has been an unusual winter for me, not following EN plans to the T, as I did last year. Too many problems with my back (bulged discs) lately, and having to be creative with my training, and switching it out. Stephanie, ugh to pulled hamstrings! Hope you heal fast. Congrats on your move to a new phase of parenthood! Love it! So Nemo, I'll ask you, since you are a veteran here in the women's forum, where did Becky, Jennifer, et. al, go? Also, is Marianne posting in EN at all anymore, or is she laying off this year, and doing her blog? I miss everyone, and have not yet found them all!
Stephanie- join Penny and I on Myfitnesspal.com I find tracking really is the best way for me to stay on top of my weight. And you are right, sleep is soooooo important too!
Barb- Not sure, I believe several folks have taken the "on hold" option for a while especially since many of the Chica's from last year are not doing IM's this year. I know that's my situation. I'm sorta taking a mental and physical break in 2011. It's all about balance. Marianne is doing IMTX and Becky is doing IMWI so perhaps you'll see them posting again as those dates draw closer.
But while the "alumni" of the school may seem to be out of touch, there's lots of seniors still here and pleanty of freshman filling the ranks too! This is a great time for the new ladies in the hause to get to know each other and build their own Chica MoJo.
OMG..I'm so behind and I'm sorry for that. I've been super busy at work and that's typically when I check in. And evenings have been happily spent with Mike more often than not. I'll try to hit everyone, but I'm sure I'm gonna miss some updates (sorry).
-Barbara - hang in there with the plantar fasciitis and piriformis... ugh. a double whammy! I just got diagnosed with PF myself. It had been coming on for a while and I sort of self medicated (rolled, stretched, etc...) all the while continuing to run and NOT taking NSAIDS (which I should have) or icing... so I finally went to the doc. He knows I'm in training mode and has been cool - and given me two steroid injections (holy hurt)... I'm hoping that will do the trick (3 is his limit in one stretch, so next week will be my last if I need it, it's improving a lot so I'm hopeful I won't - but I'm scratching my half mary this weekend). I'll train around it as best I can another week - do the 2 bricks, swim or elliptical on Wed instead of a run... and see how I feel Sun. And I feel your pain about the weight. I was doing so well and then blammo Suddenly I've gained 5 lbs. I have no idea how. My clothes still fit (although I'm not a fan of the muffin top). I just changed birth control Rx and I wonder if that has something to do with it... not sure, but I'm now gonna have to start logging into Lose It again. I went from being within stricking distance of my old norm to needing to lose 10. In the blink of an eye. Grr...
@Penny - Mardi Gras sounds like a blast. I've never been to NO and it's on my list, although I'm not sure if MG is for me. I'm thinking of shooting for the MG marathon next Feb (week or two before the big party). Sounds like the new job is fabulous!
@Carlotte & Kelly - welcome to the thread and EN!!
@Nemo & Beverly - way to go on the 40k! Awesome!! I'm so glad the weather here is finally coming around. I can't wait to get Jina off the drainer!
@Jennifer - glad you've gotten some good info re the Vit D deficiency. How are you feeling. Sorry to lose you from OS (but I haven't been logging in since I haven't been running for 2-3 weeks)... and feeling pretty mopey about that and my weight gain. Grr. I'll be exiting OS in 3 or 4 weeks to jump into the last section of HIM ... how's okcupid treating ya?
So, I've covered my new injury. Work is really busy which is nice... the days go so much faster. Things with Mike are still good. He has the kids Fri and Sat nights so we've worked out a weekday schedule of Sun, Mon, Wd, Th getting together... so we each have a night off and I have weekends to myself. Right now that's a bummer, but come IM training that will be a blessing... No drama. Lots of talking and smiling. So different than Dan. So much easier.
so, that's that for me. The foot is throbbing right now... will break for lunch soon to do PT and ice... those flippin shots are so ridiculously painful. I still don't know how that super long needle goes into my little heel. It's a myster buy holy hell does it hurt.
you know, I need to add shopping for airfare to WI for Memorial Day to my to-do list... looking forward to the unofficial camp. And also looking forward to the official rally in Aug!
OK, I just joined myfitnesspal. My username is stevensstephanie. I tried to search for a few of you but was unable. If any of you are on it, will you add me as a friend, and I'll try to get some accountability going for myself.
No time to catch up but wanted to check in. If you thought your Monday sucked, I bet I can beat yours.. . . Saturday morning I drive to Memorial Park (great park for running) for a run. Get there and my car (a 2001 Lexux RX300 with 169,000 miles on it) won't go into park. Drive home. Park car in garage in neutral, parking break on and key in because I can't get it out. Borrow battery charger from neighbor Sunday night (stuff was on because key wouldn't come out). Took car to get checked out this morning. While waiting for a ride home, get an email from a client saying she is unhappy with my services. Car guy tells me it doesn't look good. Get ride home, try to work but spend time googling about the transmission problems and discovery that we are lucky we made it this far. Start researching cars. Hate car shopping. Get the word that it needs a new transmission. Decision: new transmission or new car? Did I mention I hate car shopping?
On the positive side of things: got a rental car - at least for now. We may end up renting a car for a month to give me/us time to figure this out.
Replied to dissatisfied client but haven't heard back from her yet.
Went to the eye doctor for final pre-op appointment for Lasik on Thursday. At least that went well.
On the positive side, I can look forward to some Valium Thursday!
The deal with the car is that I feel like I need to get an SUV so we can haul things. In reality, we don't haul that much stuff that couldn't fit in a trunk and on the bike rack. So, I'm having to reconsider what kind of car I want without that restriction. . ..
Wow, Penny. Hang in there. Crazy day. Fingers crossed you can work it out with your client and that surgery goes well. I hated car shopping too, but I love my car!
I've got a newbie power question... thought I'd post it hear in case it's silly. But now that the weather is finally getting nice enough for outdoor rides (I don't have cold weather gear), I wonder how do you do power workouts? Seriously, the terrain might make things really difficult to hit the targets. This will be a big question for me as summer rolls around and I start training for WI - I have lots of places I plan to ride, all of them are hilly - to prep me for the race - but I don't know I'm going to nail the intervals while working hills. Thanks.
You'll be fine. You'll nail the intervals and you'll learn to push watts going downhill :-) I trained for IMWI on all those routes with power and it worked out great. Sure, there are some hills where you will "spin out", but they generally are not long enough to really have an impact. Best part? You are gonna learn how to ride steady like no body's business!! The bigger frustration I found was doing an FTP outside and finding 2 20 min sections where I could ride without hitting a traffic light or intersection.
On the flip side, I do think the VO2 stuff is much harder to do outside (unless you have a big long hill to climb) primarily because it just doesn't feel very safe to me. When I'm pushing that hard and going that fast, I get a little skeered.
@Nemo: I've been concerned about doing FTP tests outside because I tend to put my head down and just push without watching where I'm going. That isn't good.
Things here are going OK. My car is on life support. I'm driving a rental until I can find the car I want to buy. It needs to be a car I "love" since we drive them until they die (~10+ years). The client won't talk to me and wants a refund. I did everything I could to try to get with her, but she doesn't want to work together anymore. Her choice. Whatever. Still just frustrating. My boss is OK with it - and very supportive.
I get Lasik tomorrow morning. YEA! Honestly, I'm looking forward to a day of valium and sleep. And, no more glasses/contacts!
Having a hard time getting workouts in - just stressed. Went and lifted this morning. I've decided to focus on my running and getting ready for NYC Marathon in November.
I'm excited about the IMTX training camp next week. I'll only get to be up there for the dinner Saturday night though. I've got to work an Expo at the Kemah tri. Then, the next weekend is Lonestar 70.3 in Galveston. More expo work Friday and Saturday. The Tuesday in between we have "Chris Lieto night" and some work with him during the week I think. I feel like I'm climbing up that first hill of a roller coaster and we go over the top next week - just hang on and enjoy the ride!
Posted By Stephanie Stevens on 21 Mar 2011 08:43 PM
OK, I just joined myfitnesspal. My username is stevensstephanie. I tried to search for a few of you but was unable. If any of you are on it, will you add me as a friend, and I'll try to get some accountability going for myself.
Hi Stephanie - just added you as a friend in myfitnesspal.
Welcome to the new ladies. I admit to lurking lately.
My life has imploded in the past month. Good news is that I have moved to a new apt (THANK GOODNESS). I never realized how much stress just the living arrangement was creating. So much better now. I'm really hoping that things are on the right track now. As a result of everything going on, I have really fallen off of the workout bandwagon. I have a 1/2 mary in 6 weeks and 1/2 Iron first weekend in June. I'm really trying to just take it in stride and get back on track now.
@ Penny- so sorry to hear about the car. It sounds like you are very busy with work as well. Despite the unhappy client, seems to be a great gig! Very jealous of the LASIK, I was just told that my eyes are still changing and will have to wait at least another year. I hope it all works out for the best, to be free of contacts/glasses sounds like heaven to me!
@ Becky- I will be learning all new riding routes this spring as well as learning to use power outside. I have the same concerns as you. I figure it will be a learning process.
@ Stephanie- sorry to hear about the pulled hammie, they can be tough.
I give props to the ladies tracking food. I am not that disciplined!
@ Becky: I think I have the same noobie power concerns with going outside. I live in the Colorado foothills, so most of my routes involve long hills up, then long bombs down. Not sure how to do the intervals with that kind of a situation (a 2' or 4' rest after an interval would involve sliding backwards down the mountain).
@Penny: I have often said that Lasix was the single-most-life-changing experience I have ever had (ok, that's a little dramatic!). I have NEVER regretted it. But, I thought I would be tough and not take the anti-anxiety drugs prior to the surgery. Big mistake. I had a real panic attack when my vision went black...even though I KNEW it was going to happen. Take the drugs!
@Carly: not sure I am disciplined enough to track my intake either, but I know I need something to keep me on track. I am burning a lot of calories with exercise, I should have disappeared by this time. But, I know I am awful about sneaking in calories/snacks here and there, and I need some accountability.
@Nemo and Penny: thanks for being my "friends". Hope to support each other!
Anyone else going to be at Oceanside 70.3 next week? It seems like the roster is all guys....
Not to bust into the lady's forum, but I need your help. Please let Penny know that it's ok to get the red convertable and that she is not an evil person for not getting a Prius.
Lasik went great! Go for a checkup at 10 this morning. Still a little blurry, but keeping drops in them helps. As John says, I've fallen in love with the Volvo C70. I'm going to go drive the Prius because I've been fascinated with them and like the gas mileage. But, I want to get a car I love because we drive them until they die (current Lexus RX300 is 10 years old with almost 170K miles). So, I want something that I know will last.
@Carly: Glad you have a new apt and things are settling down.
Oh John, I'm afraid I won't be much help to you :-)
I also drive my cars until they die (currently still driving a 1996 Mazda Protege). So when I consider purchasing a new car, I look at the total cost of ownership over the life of the car, not just the purchase price. That means the cost of fuel to run the car over X years and the cost of maintenance too. Obviously a Prius and a Volvo C70 are not really the same class of car (I highly doubt you'll sit in a Prius and murmer "ooooooh, ahhhhhhhh" But the lifetime cost difference between 40mph and 20mpg is pretty huge. I was going for a car with 20mpg, it would be something I could throw my bike into without worrying about messing up the interior (like a Honda CRV or a Toyota Rav4).
I personally see cars completely as just a tool to be used- 4 wheels, gets me where I need to go. It's gotta be comfortable, but doesn't have to be splashy. But I understand the desire of folks who want "cool" cars. Heck, my Tri bike isn't exactly utilitarian!
We are currently going through a bit of the same dilema as both cars are equally old and about to reach the end of economic usefullness. I'm finding the Consumer Reports reviews extremely helpful. The 2011 Car edition just came out and should still be on the stands.
RUBBISH WEEK! Again, so busy. Going to have to smash the weekend. Daylight savings this weekend (hurrah). Bad news is my thyroid is blowing up again which explains why I've felt so off for the last few weeks now. Seeing the Doc on Tues again to see blood results in more detail and discuss options. Probably end up on thyroxine which I don't want as it will mean 6 months grounded from work which is rubbish (but means I can train day in day out..... but then would rather my training carried on).
@Penny, C70 is nice. My friend has one and loves it. Volvos don't want to die either.....
@Becky - I'm trainerless and do most of my riding outside (I have rollers, but there is only so long you can ride on them). Some days you will absolutely nail the intervals other days you'll find you won't get your HR up and it becomes more of an ABP ride. I've found I can ride and my HR is rock bottom vs some of my earlier rides. You might find you'll hit a hill and blow up as well - before you know it you're in Z5 and can't get out! You'll get used to it! Try out a few routes, see how they go. I've found one with steady longer climbs and no lights, just roundabouts which works real well. It's more of a TT route and is about 30miles so works nicely. Some of my other routes with sharp hills have too much sharp and sometimes long downhill which hit at the wrong time and screws it up! As you get better you'll have to change the route. My early routes just don't cut it anymore, I can cruise round 1.5mph faster with a much lower RPE than I could in January! Enjoy!
I have been consistently lurking, but have very little to contribute as I've kinda downshifted everything lately after feeling so burnt out. I've slowly added back in working out, and am going to use the month of April to get back into loving triathlon. I figure May and June is enough time to prep for my early July HIM. Keep your fingers crossed, but I have to say reading everyone's comments about going out there is super helpful now if the weather would just cooperate so I could get out of my house!!
@ Penny- I will totally throw in a strong LIKE (ok, love!) for Subaru. Even though I bought mine used, it's been awesome. I know the newer models get really good mileage too. In the future I see myself continuing to stick with them.
@ Becky- I remember something mancona said last year, that he just adds up all the times for each zone and then when he's out depending on the terrain, traffic, etc. he adjusts to try in get in that amount of time in each zone however it works out without worrying about doing 20' at Z3 then 35' at Z4, etc. Once I switched over to that it was much easier to do (and easier to remember!).
@Charlotte- Hope everything gets under control, no worries, the beauty of the EN plan is that even when you can't get it all done, you are still coming out ahead of most of the other people training.
Yeah, it was kinda crazy to realize something I love so much had gotten totally out of control. I actually wrote a lot of it down to remember it when I consider if I want to do another IM (and what time of year I'll be doing it!). I'm sure I will do one, but I think I'll need more than just one gap year just because of the time commitment, let alone all of the other stuff that comes along with it. I find training for the HIM is much much less stressful. I actually have time for my other hobbies. It's great.
Hope everyone is well. I'm gearing up to change the rear derailleur on my tri bike, thinking about what I'm going to do with that troublesome one once I get it off Probably should remove all my IMWI stickers too...
@Beverly: Exciting stuff! I'm glad you are motivated to start looking around. Keep us posted!
@Jennifer: Listen to your body. Glad you are scaling things back a bit.
@Kelly: Welcome!
@Barb: Allergies are horrible down here, too. Ugh.
@Mary: I think it has to be done in a salon. They have to go over each tiny section with a flat iron 6 times. It takes about 2 hours to do with my very short hair.
I have a love-hate relationship with daylight savings. I like it being light late, but like it being light early. We are not light until 7:30AM down here. Really puts a crimp in walking the dogs in the morning.
I'm finding that not just logging, but the accountability of having Nemo "watching" is really helping. myfitnesspal.com doesn't (at least I haven't seen it) let people see all the details about your food, but does share when you lose weight (not gain), and posts to others about your workouts. It is very motivating if anyone wants to join us.
Work is still good. Busy, but a lot of fun.
One of our dog-kids has been having tummy trouble for a while and is losing weight. I finally had enough and setup a phone consult with a veterinary nutritionist who is in Boston. We are supposed to talk tonight at 5:30. I can't wait to see what she says.
With all of the traveling the past couple of weeks working out has fallen off the plate again. I'm also so tired from all the traveling that when the alarm goes off, I'm just turning it off and going back to sleep. I'm hoping to get re-started tomorrow. I need to start running on hard surfaces a bit, but am kind of scared about it. Not sure how my knee is going to react to it. There is a park nearby that is dirt but has some concrete, too. I need to go over there and do it. That will allow me to work up to it. I know training for NY Marathon will be starting soon! YEA!
Hope everyone has a great week!
Hey Penny, funny you should mention the visibility into the actual food we eat. I was thinking the same thing and was poking around the profile settings and I found this little checkbox area that let me permit "friends" to view my log entries. I checked it just this morning, so next time you go on there- see if you can see more of the detail.
It's been a HUGE help to know someone is out there seeing when I finish my entries for a day (or more importanly when I don't!). I would encourage you ladies to consider joining us if you are interested.
How do you all deal with the frustrations? Just move on and accept it or do you make up for it? In two minds.......... hope everyone has had a more successful week than me!
I'm currently staring out the window at a beautiful day pissed off that I'm not out there riding my bike. Grrrrrrr.. By the time I get out of this office I'll be too tired to do anything. Hoping to at least enjoy a walk on the beach or something.
I am in the mountains for a ski week with my kids for Spring Break. Pulled my hamstring AGAIN today out on the slopes and I'm not sure if I will be skiing a lot the rest of the week. I have Oceanside 70.3 in two weeks and ugh......not sure how I'm feeling about it. I am excited to spend the weekend with one of my buddies, but have so many worries about the race. My goals are few however for this race: try to maintain my goal watts (first time racing with power, and one of the first times I will actually be outside on my new bike!), hold down the pace on the first 3 miles of the run, and not panic on the swim. I should be able to do that, right?
I think I need to figure out how to get connected with all of you on the food diary stuff. I really expected to be about 5 pounds down by this time, and am a little discouraged that I haven't made any progress. I think one of my biggest problems is letting my body rest, I know I haven't gotten enough sleep lately. Hopefully I'll catch up a bit this week on vacation.
I am entering a new phase of parenthood....my son just asked out a girl for the first time! It is for prom in just a few weeks. Now I'm really feeling old!
Stephanie, ugh to pulled hamstrings! Hope you heal fast. Congrats on your move to a new phase of parenthood! Love it!
So Nemo, I'll ask you, since you are a veteran here in the women's forum, where did Becky, Jennifer, et. al, go? Also, is Marianne posting in EN at all anymore, or is she laying off this year, and doing her blog? I miss everyone, and have not yet found them all!
Barb- Not sure, I believe several folks have taken the "on hold" option for a while especially since many of the Chica's from last year are not doing IM's this year. I know that's my situation. I'm sorta taking a mental and physical break in 2011. It's all about balance. Marianne is doing IMTX and Becky is doing IMWI so perhaps you'll see them posting again as those dates draw closer.
But while the "alumni" of the school may seem to be out of touch, there's lots of seniors still here and pleanty of freshman filling the ranks too! This is a great time for the new ladies in the hause to get to know each other and build their own Chica MoJo.
OMG..I'm so behind and I'm sorry for that. I've been super busy at work and that's typically when I check in. And evenings have been happily spent with Mike more often than not.
I'll try to hit everyone, but I'm sure I'm gonna miss some updates (sorry).
-Barbara - hang in there with the plantar fasciitis and piriformis... ugh. a double whammy! I just got diagnosed with PF myself. It had been coming on for a while and I sort of self medicated (rolled, stretched, etc...) all the while continuing to run and NOT taking NSAIDS (which I should have) or icing... so I finally went to the doc. He knows I'm in training mode and has been cool - and given me two steroid injections (holy hurt)... I'm hoping that will do the trick (3 is his limit in one stretch, so next week will be my last if I need it, it's improving a lot so I'm hopeful I won't - but I'm scratching my half mary this weekend). I'll train around it as best I can another week - do the 2 bricks, swim or elliptical on Wed instead of a run... and see how I feel Sun. And I feel your pain about the weight. I was doing so well and then blammo Suddenly I've gained 5 lbs. I have no idea how. My clothes still fit (although I'm not a fan of the muffin top). I just changed birth control Rx and I wonder if that has something to do with it... not sure, but I'm now gonna have to start logging into Lose It again. I went from being within stricking distance of my old norm to needing to lose 10. In the blink of an eye. Grr...
@Penny - Mardi Gras sounds like a blast. I've never been to NO and it's on my list, although I'm not sure if MG is for me. I'm thinking of shooting for the MG marathon next Feb (week or two before the big party). Sounds like the new job is fabulous!
@Carlotte & Kelly - welcome to the thread and EN!!
@Nemo & Beverly - way to go on the 40k! Awesome!! I'm so glad the weather here is finally coming around. I can't wait to get Jina off the drainer!
@Jennifer - glad you've gotten some good info re the Vit D deficiency. How are you feeling. Sorry to lose you from OS (but I haven't been logging in since I haven't been running for 2-3 weeks)... and feeling pretty mopey about that and my weight gain. Grr. I'll be exiting OS in 3 or 4 weeks to jump into the last section of HIM ... how's okcupid treating ya?
So, I've covered my new injury. Work is really busy which is nice... the days go so much faster. Things with Mike are still good. He has the kids Fri and Sat nights so we've worked out a weekday schedule of Sun, Mon, Wd, Th getting together... so we each have a night off and I have weekends to myself. Right now that's a bummer, but come IM training that will be a blessing... No drama. Lots of talking and smiling. So different than Dan. So much easier.
so, that's that for me. The foot is throbbing right now... will break for lunch soon to do PT and ice... those flippin shots are so ridiculously painful. I still don't know how that super long needle goes into my little heel. It's a myster buy holy hell does it hurt.
you know, I need to add shopping for airfare to WI for Memorial Day to my to-do list... looking forward to the unofficial camp. And also looking forward to the official rally in Aug!
take care! miss you...
No time to catch up but wanted to check in. If you thought your Monday sucked, I bet I can beat yours.. . . Saturday morning I drive to Memorial Park (great park for running) for a run. Get there and my car (a 2001 Lexux RX300 with 169,000 miles on it) won't go into park. Drive home. Park car in garage in neutral, parking break on and key in because I can't get it out. Borrow battery charger from neighbor Sunday night (stuff was on because key wouldn't come out). Took car to get checked out this morning. While waiting for a ride home, get an email from a client saying she is unhappy with my services. Car guy tells me it doesn't look good. Get ride home, try to work but spend time googling about the transmission problems and discovery that we are lucky we made it this far. Start researching cars. Hate car shopping. Get the word that it needs a new transmission. Decision: new transmission or new car? Did I mention I hate car shopping?
On the positive side of things: got a rental car - at least for now. We may end up renting a car for a month to give me/us time to figure this out.
Replied to dissatisfied client but haven't heard back from her yet.
Went to the eye doctor for final pre-op appointment for Lasik on Thursday. At least that went well.
On the positive side, I can look forward to some Valium Thursday!
The deal with the car is that I feel like I need to get an SUV so we can haul things. In reality, we don't haul that much stuff that couldn't fit in a trunk and on the bike rack. So, I'm having to reconsider what kind of car I want without that restriction. . ..
Stay tuned. . .
This will be a big question for me as summer rolls around and I start training for WI - I have lots of places I plan to ride, all of them are hilly - to prep me for the race - but I don't know I'm going to nail the intervals while working hills.
On the flip side, I do think the VO2 stuff is much harder to do outside (unless you have a big long hill to climb) primarily because it just doesn't feel very safe to me. When I'm pushing that hard and going that fast, I get a little skeered.
Things here are going OK. My car is on life support. I'm driving a rental until I can find the car I want to buy. It needs to be a car I "love" since we drive them until they die (~10+ years). The client won't talk to me and wants a refund. I did everything I could to try to get with her, but she doesn't want to work together anymore. Her choice. Whatever. Still just frustrating. My boss is OK with it - and very supportive.
I get Lasik tomorrow morning. YEA! Honestly, I'm looking forward to a day of valium and sleep. And, no more glasses/contacts!
Having a hard time getting workouts in - just stressed. Went and lifted this morning. I've decided to focus on my running and getting ready for NYC Marathon in November.
I'm excited about the IMTX training camp next week. I'll only get to be up there for the dinner Saturday night though. I've got to work an Expo at the Kemah tri. Then, the next weekend is Lonestar 70.3 in Galveston. More expo work Friday and Saturday. The Tuesday in between we have "Chris Lieto night" and some work with him during the week I think. I feel like I'm climbing up that first hill of a roller coaster and we go over the top next week - just hang on and enjoy the ride!
Have a great day everyone!
Hi Stephanie - just added you as a friend in myfitnesspal.
My life has imploded in the past month. Good news is that I have moved to a new apt (THANK GOODNESS). I never realized how much stress just the living arrangement was creating. So much better now. I'm really hoping that things are on the right track now. As a result of everything going on, I have really fallen off of the workout bandwagon. I have a 1/2 mary in 6 weeks and 1/2 Iron first weekend in June. I'm really trying to just take it in stride and get back on track now.
@ Penny- so sorry to hear about the car. It sounds like you are very busy with work as well. Despite the unhappy client, seems to be a great gig! Very jealous of the LASIK, I was just told that my eyes are still changing and will have to wait at least another year. I hope it all works out for the best, to be free of contacts/glasses sounds like heaven to me!
@ Becky- I will be learning all new riding routes this spring as well as learning to use power outside. I have the same concerns as you. I figure it will be a learning process.
@ Stephanie- sorry to hear about the pulled hammie, they can be tough.
I give props to the ladies tracking food. I am not that disciplined!
@Penny- Lasik rocks (or it did for me). Enjoy the medication while you have it.
@Stephanie- I'm gonna add you as a friend on myfitness so look for an invite!
@Penny: I have often said that Lasix was the single-most-life-changing experience I have ever had (ok, that's a little dramatic!). I have NEVER regretted it. But, I thought I would be tough and not take the anti-anxiety drugs prior to the surgery. Big mistake. I had a real panic attack when my vision went black...even though I KNEW it was going to happen. Take the drugs!
@Carly: not sure I am disciplined enough to track my intake either, but I know I need something to keep me on track. I am burning a lot of calories with exercise, I should have disappeared by this time. But, I know I am awful about sneaking in calories/snacks here and there, and I need some accountability.
@Nemo and Penny: thanks for being my "friends". Hope to support each other!
Anyone else going to be at Oceanside 70.3 next week? It seems like the roster is all guys....
Just a quick check in.
Lasik went great! Go for a checkup at 10 this morning. Still a little blurry, but keeping drops in them helps. As John says, I've fallen in love with the Volvo C70. I'm going to go drive the Prius because I've been fascinated with them and like the gas mileage. But, I want to get a car I love because we drive them until they die (current Lexus RX300 is 10 years old with almost 170K miles). So, I want something that I know will last.
@Carly: Glad you have a new apt and things are settling down.
I also drive my cars until they die (currently still driving a 1996 Mazda Protege). So when I consider purchasing a new car, I look at the total cost of ownership over the life of the car, not just the purchase price. That means the cost of fuel to run the car over X years and the cost of maintenance too. Obviously a Prius and a Volvo C70 are not really the same class of car (I highly doubt you'll sit in a Prius and murmer "ooooooh, ahhhhhhhh" But the lifetime cost difference between 40mph and 20mpg is pretty huge.
I was going for a car with 20mpg, it would be something I could throw my bike into without worrying about messing up the interior (like a Honda CRV or a Toyota Rav4).
I personally see cars completely as just a tool to be used- 4 wheels, gets me where I need to go. It's gotta be comfortable, but doesn't have to be splashy. But I understand the desire of folks who want "cool" cars. Heck, my Tri bike isn't exactly utilitarian!
We are currently going through a bit of the same dilema as both cars are equally old and about to reach the end of economic usefullness. I'm finding the Consumer Reports reviews extremely helpful. The 2011 Car edition just came out and should still be on the stands.
@Penny, C70 is nice. My friend has one and loves it. Volvos don't want to die either.....
@Becky - I'm trainerless and do most of my riding outside (I have rollers, but there is only so long you can ride on them).
Some days you will absolutely nail the intervals other days you'll find you won't get your HR up and it becomes more of an ABP ride. I've found I can ride and my HR is rock bottom vs some of my earlier rides. You might find you'll hit a hill and blow up as well - before you know it you're in Z5 and can't get out! You'll get used to it!
Try out a few routes, see how they go. I've found one with steady longer climbs and no lights, just roundabouts which works real well. It's more of a TT route and is about 30miles so works nicely. Some of my other routes with sharp hills have too much sharp and sometimes long downhill which hit at the wrong time and screws it up! As you get better you'll have to change the route. My early routes just don't cut it anymore, I can cruise round 1.5mph faster with a much lower RPE than I could in January! Enjoy!
@ Penny- I will totally throw in a strong LIKE (ok, love!) for Subaru. Even though I bought mine used, it's been awesome. I know the newer models get really good mileage too. In the future I see myself continuing to stick with them.
@ Becky- I remember something mancona said last year, that he just adds up all the times for each zone and then when he's out depending on the terrain, traffic, etc. he adjusts to try in get in that amount of time in each zone however it works out without worrying about doing 20' at Z3 then 35' at Z4, etc. Once I switched over to that it was much easier to do (and easier to remember!).
@Charlotte- Hope everything gets under control, no worries, the beauty of the EN plan is that even when you can't get it all done, you are still coming out ahead of most of the other people training.
Hope everyone has a good week!!
Hope everyone is well. I'm gearing up to change the rear derailleur on my tri bike, thinking about what I'm going to do with that troublesome one once I get it off