IMLP Rally week before a HIM?
Would love to do the IMLP rally this year, but its the weekend before a HIM.
The HIM is a B race for me, but i'd still like to PR the course. I'm looking for feedback on the rally bike volume a week before. Too much or manageable?
Are you racing IMUSA this year?
The key is that my A race was move than 12 weeks after the rally/HIM so I had plenty of time to recover and rebuild. As Rich was getting to, how does the rest of your schedule look around the rally and what's your A race?
I think the keys for me would be the HIM is a B race and as coach R asked if you are doing IMLP or any other IM this could be very valuable as a RR.
If you are fine with attending the rally and perhaps not hitting a PR then go for it. Another option would be to attend the rally and just do one bike loop thus limiting you bike miles some what. Depending on the cost involved to get there this might now be a good option.
My recommendation, if you haven't registered for the HIM:
You make some really good points. I am signed up for the HIM, but think i might scrap it this year.