Home OutSeason (December '09)


Anyone try them?  It is 8X20sec on, 10sec off... all out.  I warmed up for 10 minutes with some spin ups and went into it.  Hardest thing I've ever done.  Half hour later, my legs still shake some and my lungs still burn.  Only 20 minutes, didn't have much time today so I figured I'd try it.  Hard!  IF:  1.5 with only 4 minutes of work. 


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    We talked about these briefly in the 3.0 Forums (link here). In general they are a really hard workout, but aren't going to produce the response we want. Even our VO2 intervals can be extended from 30 seconds to 3-5 MINUTES (excited about that power clinic yet folks???), which makes the amount of work you can accomplish in 20 seconds all out even great than VO2.

    I say if you are looking to mix things up and want to have fun, go for it. If you are looking for a hard workout that maps to EN's protocols, fire up some VO2! I seem to remember both carry a high tendency for vomiting.


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