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Announcement: EN at the Races, 2011


As you may know, our presence at the races is one of the most unique and powerful things we do for each other as a Team: 20-50+ TeamEN athletes at EVERY US Ironman, a team dinner, 4 Keys Talk, coaches and family members on the course, coaches behind the finishline, beerz afterwards, etc. For 2011 we want to:

  • Do an even better job of creating an even more awesomer race weekend experience for you; and...
  • Extend as much of that EN-at-the-IM race vibe down to as many half Ironman races as we can.

So we have a couple announcements and some homework for you:

Race Director -- John Stark

To coordinate all things EN-at-the-Races, we’ve created a new position, Race Director, and John Stark has stepped up to fulfill this role. John will be working with us to accomplish our two goals above. Please welcome John to the gig!

Race Captains -- YOU!

John will be assisted by Race Captains -- EN members who will help him coordinate and lead the troops on the ground for specific events. Ideally, the Race Captain is someone who lives near/has great local knowledge of the event. Actually racing the event this year is NOT a requirement. We’ll have a full list of duties/responsibilities for the Race Captain position shortly, and will post them when we/John begin recruiting.

BUT...before we and John can begin to get the Team organized, we need you to tell us what races you’re doing this year.

  1. Please complete this survey by end of the day Friday, March 18th.
  2. If you would like to volunteer to be a Race Captain for one of your races, please email us with “RC Me!” in the subject line. Be sure to include what race you’re volunteering for, your experience, special knowledge of the event, and anything else you might find helpful for us.

We’ll take the results of this survey and begin to drill down what races EN can support with a formal team presence based on participation, etc.

Finally, we also wanted to remind you that TODAY is your last chance to order a supacool Red Race Shirt. Go here for details!

Thanks for your support and we look forward to creating a kickass race weekend experience for you!




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    Bump. Please complete this survey. ~160 submissions from over 600 members...help us help you by creating a kickass race weekend experience for everyone!

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