Run issues caused by swimming...?
In my last two Ironmans I have had severe cramps in my upper stomach pretty much the entire run - making it very difficult if not impossible to run..
When this first occured, I presumed that it was from poor pacing and or nutrition. Hence I changed all this for the second IM (same course), but experienced exactly the same.
I have been unable to replicate these cramps in training - even if I try really hard to upset the never happens..
This has lead me to believe that the problem has its roots in the swim.
Following that line of thought, I came across this: ; which seems to be the best explanation for the problem I have found so far. It certainly fits with the way i swim/breathe when swimming.
The problem is, that this is the only reference I can find to this problem anywhere...nothing in the Tri litterature or blogs etc... Am I the only one who ahve ever experieced this?
I cannot be sure that this is what causes the problem...any other suggestions? Others who hqve experienced similar?
Interestingly enough, I have also had an Ironman, where I had no problems.. The only differences were that this was a different IM where we swam in freshwater , the weather was significantly colder..and the bikecourse was significantly more hilly...
I have had cramp issues in a few races in the last two years that I have not been able to replicate. My cramp has always been the typical side stitch basically at the bottom of my rib cage on the right side of my body.
Where exactly are you getting the cramps?
Do you get them on the bike or only the run?
Based on the comments it seems like if this is your issue, then you would also have problems on the bike as it happens within about an hour of swimming to all of those people.
In my case I am 100% fine on the bike and only have the issue during the run and in races only. I even swam right before my race rehersals last year to try and simulate a race and didn't get the cramp. FWIW, I swam, rode, and ran harder in the rehersals than in the races that I cramped.
I have no issues on the bike, the problems come immideately after I start running . I cannot do anything to get them to dissapear.They come whenever I try to run...even the day after the event..(but only when running)..
The pain is located at the very upper part of the stomach - just under the ribcage..
I had this problem last year in both olympic and 70.3 distance races...I fixed it with salt tabs on the bike....I took 4 of the enduralites (I think that is what they are called...hammer nutritions salt tab) with 20 min left to go on the bike (aprox 7 miles to go) and felt good for the run. Races before that I have had trouble off the bike for the first 30 min of the run. I am not saying this will fix your problem, but it fixed mine.
cramps of any type are always difficult to 'figure out'.
lets give it a shot:
-your abdominal cramp sounds like it is about where your diaphragm is located vs. side stitch like matt describes;
-you suspect the source is the swim, since without the swim in training you feel fine. irregular breathing during the swim can result in irritation of the (phrenic) nerve which innervates the diaphragm, as occurs with hiccups.
-the cramping starts only when you start running. the upright posture of the run, the jostling of your innards, and irregular breathing with running can add to the irritation effect. bending over at the waist, as in the cycling position, actually helps you breath easier. this is why after a hard effort on a run, it is almost instinctual to bendover and put hands on your knees.
there is another concern, but less likely, and that is that perhaps you have a herniation of the stomach, peeking thru the diaphragm and going up into the thorax. do you typically have issues with gatric reflux (heart burn)? if not, then this is not likely the cause.
so, i would try, in training, to swim with as controlled breathing as possible. also, practice not breathing every few strokes AND breathing on both sides, since this prepares you for race day in case you cannot breath when you want to, due to someone getting in the way. if you stay calm and are practiced in holding your breath, then you can simply breath on the other side or when possible during a race. this will help prevent irregular breathing during the swim and also breathing in extra air that goes into your gut.
after a hard swim, go out and bike and then run. see if you re-produce the cramp.
similar to the swim, practice running with controlled breathing. i think there is a wiki article here at EN on proper breathing while running. also, try to run smoothly, so that there is very little up and down movement of your body when you run.
this may help, but surely will not hurt!
good luck!