Week 12 - How is everyone doing?
Well, gang, how is the collective mojo during this holiday week? Are y'all working, or vacationing, or travelling to visit relatives you see only once or twice a year?
The workouts this week don't seem so bad compared to last week. The intermediate level 2X 2 miles at Z4 had me absolutely petrified, especially sandwiched in the middle of a 10 mile run (gearing up for a January 17th half mary). I procrastinated so much while getting ready to go that the dog started whining at me - even she was ready! I did a 2 mile warm up and then started into the first interval, just going by feel because I couldn't bear if it I was too slow. Happily, I managed to hit my target paces (actually, a little faster) on both intervals. Whew! My running mojo has been a little off, but I'm participating in the Holiday Run Challenge so hopefully I'll get it back.
I have to work a half day Christmas eve and then come in to check on hospitalized and boarding pets Christmas day, so we are staying in town for the holiday. It should be very low-stress and relaxing. When we spend Christmas with my parents it is always fun but just a whirlwind of people and activity - I don't mind skipping that mess this year, seeing as how we will be with them for New Year's Eve. Plus, I should be able to squeeze in all the required workouts!
How is everyone else doing?
Legs are feeling something today. Yesterday's run or all the bike work from last week? Dunno. Glad to be back in lock step with the team this week for sure.
Ah the holidays!.... always think I will have extra time to work out because work is slow, but it never seems to turn out that way. Felt really tired on the 30/30's this morning. Got through the 5 sets, but did do much 85% riding afterwards. Basically just cooled down. On the bright side, the days start getting longer again!!! Hope everyone is doing well.
Any of you want to go to Tucson the second weekend in March? Looks like we're forming a bit of a group and that Coach P will be joining us. Will be great timing for IMSG!!! Check out the aptly named thread in the General Training Forum.
I "need" fudge, and don't have any within reach!! The horror!!
We've had almost 1 foot of snow in the last 8 hours so it's going to be a white Christmas. The big trick is keeping the dietary intake during the next 1.5 weeks moderate in amouts and nutritous in content. It doesn't mean to completely go without some "absolute junk food." Just keep the AJF in modest amounts to keep the calories down.
Kristen, I think it's cool what you do for the animals. What an interesting profession.
Olivia, I may have missed it in past posts but did you get the BBW in during the Florida escapade?
Mark, U da Man I've been watching the posts and you keep nailing the workouts. You're my inspiration, Dude!
Mentally I am a little bit of a wreck. When I think about the mass swim start in Saint George I feel like I am going to puke. I have never swam more then 1.2, ran more then 12, or biked more then 60. I am trying not to think about the race and just focus on hitting my numbers and getting the work done. Hope everyone has a great Christmas...
Tom, now is not the time to panic! Trust the coaches - they will get you where you need to be. I have never been so terrified as I was in the hour before jumping in the water at IM Lou 2007, and that wasn't even a mass start! The good news is that the nerves dissolve as soon as you hit the water - you're too busy to be nervous.
Your group workout situation sounds like fun!
Steve, it sounds like you are doing a good job taking care of yourself. I hope your workouts get better this week!
Olivia and Mark, I also skipped the 85% work and just did a cool-down. My legs felt fine but mental energy was a little low this morning. I also just did the strides on the run and walked the rest with the mutt. The upcoming holiday run challenge will have me running enough.
Does anyone who is doing the Holiday Run Challenge have a total mileage goal in mind? I was thinking that I would like to shoot for 50 but that will probably be too aggressive for my level. Maybe 40....Anyway, just curious what others are planning on.
Hoping you all have a blessed Christmas. Stay safe. After last night's Habitat for Humanity board meeting I realized how incredibly blessed I am and how grateful that I had parents who helped me make good decisions and gave me all I needed to get me started in life.
What do you mean its not time to panic yet? Actually panic may not be a great motivator but knowing the race is coming is.
As for the distance you'll do fine. We will start ramping up the yardage later under PnR's direction. Your body will adapt and the 2.4 miles will be somewhat of a snap. I remember my first IM when I finished the swim in 2001 at the California IM before it was cut to a 1/2 IM due to 911 complications with Camp Pentleton security. I was so stoked after I finished the swim as I had never swam that far before in one setting. I had done the preparation necessary and felt great after the swim ready to attack the rest of the day. I'll be scouting SG once monthly starting in January and I'll be happy to post some reports for the our IMSG group.
Dude, sounds like you got your mojo back. Sweeeeet!
I'm back on track too. I've hit the workouts this week unfortunately on the trainer and treadmill. I'm looking out the window at 3 feet of snow on the ground. Roads are snow packed. So, it looks like indoor training for me for at least a week. I'm hopeful the roads will clear so I can get out the door again.
Kris, thanks for the encouragement I'm back on the wagon again. I think you're going to have some great races this year, you've be so determined and consistent in the workouts. I've been keeping an eye on you
woo hoo....hit my marks on the 5 x 4x30/30's this morning (I changed up my schedule in order to run with my 8 year running partners). I wanted to go run on the treadmill but daughter has my access card so I ran outside and it was incredibly nice!!! Glad to hear that others are getting in the groove!
Hoping you all have a Merry Christmas!!! Hopefully I'll be doing the run challenge in Rockland, ME.
And you will be ready for the distances! You joined us in the Haus, that was your first right move in preparation. You will amaze yourself...it will be a tough journey, but when you see that finish line you will know it was worth it!
Team!!! I'm loving the vibe here today! Everyone is hitting their workouts and fairly exploding with positive motivation! Loving it.
Crushed the run session this morning with a glad heart. Over in the women's forum we have been talking about how lucky we are to be able to do this at all. I was actually thrilled to be out running fast in the dark and the rain, just because I could. So many can't.
Thanks for keeping an eye on me, Steve. Keeps me accountable.
Have a great day, everyone!
Great to hear that everyone has been having a great week. We are well over the hump and, as Tom states, starring down the barrel of the 2010 season. Like others, I can't say the last few weeks have been stellar weeks for me. With long hours at work and being on the road, it has really made keeping the faith hard. However, I have to say that being part of the EN Haus and having you all around, even virtually, has been critical to my success. Without you all I would have I followed my typically MO and given up instead of just having a few bad days.
I think I am finally back on track, for now, and am looking forward to the remainder of the OS and the 2010 season. My A Race, American Zofingen (I like the du' thing more that the tri'), is only 20 weeks away. I am sure with your help I will have a successful day.
Here's wishing that everyone has a wonderful holiday and happy new year. See you all out on the roads during the Winter Run Challenge.
Coach P...turns out I live near Tom. We can get him through it.
I did an outdoor 3 hour ride yesterday. Almost called my wife to pick me up after 2 hours. Wind was bad and I realized one of my break pads was rubbing adding to my work load. The 3 x 1000s hurt today as well. Looking forward to testing my vdot next week as the runs have been challenging.
I would be interested in what sort of outseason vdot gains you all have been making - the pace training is new to me and I am hoping to bump my numbers up a couple of notches.
Tom N.
On to the rest week!!