Nov OS folks - how did you do?
November OS is in the books. IIRC there were 170 plus people in the Group. How did you do?
1. What gains did you make FTP and VDOT?
2. What percentage of the workouts did you actually do? Anyone do all of them? If you can't or won't do the math what is your WAG, 90%, 80%?
3. How are you feeling?
My personal experience this year was that I used the OS plan as more of a guide than a plan. I was trying to avoid what has happened to me in the past where I was crushing myself in Nov and December and then hating the trainer by mid January so I took it a bit easier in thebeginning. Skiing on Saturday and Sunday along with traveling for work makes getting all the trainer time in hard. I would say I got about half of the work done. Turns out I am still hating the trainer but have been more consistent late in the winter than in the past. Sitting on about 310 inside which is about as strong as I have ever been at this time of the year. Running very well and feeling good about it. I did pretty much all the run work and added in some extra runs. I have run 79 times in the last 100 days. Did not do any formal Vdot tests lately but certainly have not gotten slower. Maybe do a 5k in a few weeks to see what I can do.
Certainly a good place to be starting the season plans both mentally and physically.
Hard to believe 20 weeks has past already. I would say I completed more than 90% of the workouts, chose to miss some of the brick runs, due to time and some hip problems.
My initial FTP was 240 and final test was 260. Will do another Vdot test at a local 5K, did not want to suffer with another one of these tests alone. My Vdot currently sits at 53.
From day 1 of the OS until now I have lost 9.5 lbs and 2 % BF. I am within 2-3 lbs of race weight, just need to hold on now.
This was my 3rd OS and I definately trained smarter. I tried to stay within my zones, crush it but did not over do it like I usually have done. Also I am actually taking the 2 week transition like I should. I am in a better place mentally and physically than I was last year training for IM Wisc. which burnout definately crept in.
Starting a 16 week IM plan into LP April 4th. Looking forward to hearing about all of your journeys this year. Good Luck !!!
Overall, very satisfied. I think we need more maintenance guidance going forward, at least us old guys do. Maybe its just me but telling me to focus on maintenance and flexibility on Monday and Friday is like telling me to go run or go ride. I could use a bit more specificity as to what to do. I started out going to yoga on Mondays and swim on Fridays, but that didn't really get it done either. 20 weeks is a long time. I was getting pretty tired of trainer rides at the 17 week point. Just some of my thought. I gues we'll see a question soon like "What can we do to make the 2011/2012 OS plans even better. Should make a list while its still fresh in our minds.
Vdot went from 58 to 61 (on the treadmill) though I haven't tested the final test maybe I will do that tomorrow.
The OS went much better than last year when I started in January and was done about this time, mostly because I finished the entire thing.
I think I estimated I missed 5-6 bike workouts over the 20 weeks and maybe 1 run workout which I probably didn't really miss I just can't imagine not missing a workout x20 weeks. Bike 90% Run close to 100%
The camaraderie was great in the NOS, even by week 20 there was still roughly 15-20 peeps who were still posting regularly.
Our weather has again turned to crap but looks to get better by this time next week. This is a good thing, it will keep me inside and in a transition state of mind.
2) Around 80%. Sick for a couple of weeks and had some trouble getting through the longer FTP sets.
3) I can't wait to ride outside and start up the IMLP Plan. Transition is boring but need to trust the coaches and take a break.
Overall I learned what it means to train hard and to continue to push myself even when I feel like I am going to break.
This probably should be posted in the whiners forum but I did do the Nov OS so...
1. What gains did you make FTP and VDOT? Not sure, haven't really tested in a while.
2. What percentage of the workouts did you actually do? Anyone do all of them? If you can't or won't do the math what is your WAG, 90%, 80%? Up until January 20th, I was close to 100% for run & bike (except Thursday hockey replaced Thu bike every week). After January 20th fell to about 80% bike and 40% run. Nothing last 2-3 weeks
3. How are you feeling? Mentally deflated, physically not where I was 8 weeks ago. Here comes the whining: Jan 20th broke a rib, 28th came down with MRSA, Mar 3rd-diagnosed with Meniere's disease (hearing loss, ringing, vertigo), Mar 11-reoccurence of MRSA and back on the antibiotics. Only real positive in that time frame was doing the Ottawa winter tri in February (even with the rib). Starting to worry about LP training if I can't get this inner ear thingee worked out.
1. FTP went from 240-245 to 285. No idea about Vdot.
2. I would say I hit 80% of the workouts. Missed just about every weekday brick as I have a little one sleeping during my rides and wasn't dragging her out in the artic conditions of NJ.
3. I feel pretty good right now. Pretty fresh though I did seem to struggle with the 30' @ .75 the other day. May have had to do with the fact that I fell off the trainer the day before and was sore. Don't ask. Have a nice 77mi hilly ride this Saturday so I hope to feel this good next week.
1. What gains did you make FTP and VDOT? Took my FTP from 268 at start of O/S (based on what I think was a phoned it in test) to 289 at the final test. I think it's a 7.8% increase which I'll take but not the increase I was hoping for given how hard I busted ass on the bike this O/S (see below) and how poor a first test I had. VDOT - think I took it from 42 to 43. I'm a cold weather weenie when it comes to running so most of runs on the mill. I never know how to test on the mill as if I put my mind to it I can hold onto pretty fast paces on the mill that I would never be able to run on the roads. Last year I learned the hard way that I could run 6's on the mill simply by holding on but couldn't come close to that on road.
2. What percentage of the workouts did you actually do? Anyone do all of them? If you can't or won't do the math what is your WAG, 90%, 80%? Did all but a couple of rides that I skipped when I had a debilitating GI bug that took me out of anything but sleep 18+ hours a day for a couple of days. Otherwise nailed all the rides (although sometimes moving the days I did them on) driven by the goal of wanted to get strong for ToC. Almost always at the target (set the ERG file) except for a few overachieve rides with Coach P's permission and a few rides where I switched the 2:30/2:30's to 1:30's/1:30's or 1:00/1:00. Got in close 90% of the runs done. Did all the key runs missing, again, runs when the GI bug took me down and a handful of the shorter brick runs. A lot of runs done when mojo was very low low. If not for friends responding to my posts on Twitter and motivating me to get 'em done I probably would've skipped more runs.
3. How are you feeling? Now, halfway through first transition week feeling better than end of last week when I was cooked. This is my 3rd O/S and despite being religious in my taking the planned rest day, focussing on truly running Z1 when plan called for it (versus running Z1.5-2) and having some "down time" from the illness I finished pretty worn out physically and mentally. I never actually did a final Vdot test as mentally I just couldn't. Weekends were tough as I decided we were going to have family fun and go snowboarding every Saturday. So typically Saturday was get up at crack of dawn, get ride in, hit the mountain for a day of snowboarding, hit the mill that evening for "brick" run when got home. Sunday would sleep in and then get run done. I'm sure this added to the cumulative fatigue but I had a heck of a lot of fun snowboarding with the family which was priority. 20 weeks is a long long time to be locked in the basement on the trainer and on the mill. Yeah I could've and should've run outside but personal reasons make it tough to do so as I get older. Despite saying 2011 would be the year of doing "cool stuff with my fitness" I'm somewhat back in the bad place I was last year of feeling like this is becoming a job. Hoping that after another 1 1/2 week of noodling on bike and running (and hopefully better weather to get outside) I'll be in a good place to build to my HIM in 12 weeks.
I only did the first 14 weeks of the OS and I changed to a different plan at that point, but figure I would share my data anyway.
1. What gains did you make FTP and VDOT? FTP was 270 at the start and I finished at 290, I was around 285 last season so net gain of 5. VDOT started at 59 and finished at 61.2, I was at 63 last season.
2. What percentage of the workouts did you actually do? Anyone do all of them? If you can't or won't do the math what is your WAG, 90%, 80%? 100% for 14 weeks, but for the first time I actually took rest days and the first month of rest days sucked but then I got used to it.
3. How are you feeling? I'm good because I took rest days for the first time and because after the 14 weeks I took a recovery week before ramping back up. I was starting to struggle with the Saturday FTP + V02 + 85% workouts and I'm not sure if woudl have made 20 weeks of that.
1. What gains did you make FTP and VDOT? New to EN and new to power I had high expectations and was not disappointed.
11/1 – 183w
12/20 – 205w
1/29 – 215w for an increase of 17.5%
3/31 – aiming for 220 (if I get there it will be 20%)
vDot was a different story. I tested in at 46, retested 12/22 at 46 and have not tested since. However, this past weekend I ran PR in a half marathon by a 4 minute margin. It was also my 3rd consecutive half mary PR in year and was 5 minutes faster than the same course last year.
2. What percentage of the workouts did you actually do? Only missed 2 workouts thru week 16 but then took a 2 week hiatus (camping). Since restating, I have been at about 75%
3. How are you feeling? I started to have trouble with my mental mojo at the end of the VO2 stuff. Even after a great back country ski trip I still seem to be struggling. My guess is that the OS is hard enough, adding a marathon hack makes the brick wall harder to avoid. But at this point, prepping for Boston has to take priority over bike workouts. I’ll have plenty of time after Boston to get refocused on Lake Placid.
Ended well my friends. Up 33.3% for my watts: started at 171 and ended at 228. vDOT started at 45 and ended at

I am feeling well. Started week one of my 12 week HIM plan and HOLY SMOKE lots of work here but going well. Transition for me is week 5 and half of week 6. Will be a well needed break. Having trouble swimming after the 60 minute run just seems like I dont have the snap that I use to but get them done.
I did almost 100% of the workouts. I admit I skipped two of the bricks and had to break my VO2 max down to 1.5 and 1 twice but otherwise nailed them.
It is snowing again here and Iowa so a few of us are doing a 3 hour bike on the trainers. Can't wait to do all 4 sets of the FTP's again on the trainer. Could be real interesting.
FTP started @190 ended @ 230 - some of that is just getting better @ testing though
vDot 41 to 43.5 - goal was to build durability first speed 2nd
no major injuries- a few little nagging ones
first 14 weeks - 95% wko's - last 6 weeks was taking one extra rest day - old guy syndrome - 54 yr
I took a lot of pride in "If I start it I finish it as written" (MS always & most Z3 bike) - I did blow up on one FTP wko in wk 18
just finishing week 1 transition = zero wko - did an oly last weekend now playing in FL w/wifey - will resume transition wko's next week
Right now feeling almost 100% - anxious to start HIM prep - although looking out @3hr bike work is unnerving since I've never done one - I'm sure it will come in time
Overall I rate the OS - EXCELLENT - learned so much about proper training & built self confidence in handling tough work, first 2/3 of season after evening wko I would come upstairs eat and veg on couch till bedtime - last 1/3 the opposite - really felt stronger and able to go do stuff - looking to get w/kg from 2.8 to 3.2+ as we get outside - plenty more to learn - nutrition, pacing on hills .....
Thx to all the WSM's and their input/inspiration - hope to meet some of you during the year
Percent workouts: Other than a week of illness, followed by a week of winter backpacking and climbing, I probably did 95% of the workouts or more. Missed a couple of the short brick runs, and maybe a few of other workouts where travel get in the way or I needed an extra rest day. But for the most part managed to stay very close to the program. I must say, I like the trainer! I get the workouts over in the morning, work hard, and done. The way the intervals break things up I never got bored. Also this was my first time using a powermeter, which was the best thing I ever purchased (less then $500 on Craigslist).
How do I feel now: Fat and lazy after one week of transition. I have been back to the pool a couple of times this week, and got in a very slow run. Will do an easy bike/run this weekend and more swimming. I feel well rested already and ready to go. I just wish it would warm up a little!!
I went from a 229 FTP to 252 which I'm very happy with. I started with a 54 vdot and haven't tested since week 1. I was going to run a half marathon last weekend but just wasn't up for it and slept in. That was partly due to the weather forecast too.
I am actually feeling kind of burnt out. I dropped out of the OS in week 18, primarily due to crazy hours at work, which could also be the reason why I'm fried. I tried to keep the running up for the race but I backed off everything else. I still feel exhausted and not really up for starting a HIM program. I've gone out on a couple longer group rides and I have not been able to hang with guys I was riding with last year even though my FTP is higher. I know my running has improved throughout the OS based on my workouts and was hoping to nail a PR last weekend.
I felt like the OS was too long for me. The last several weeks on the trainer were very unpleasant and I just never did my last test, like Aaron. I also religiously took 2 days off a week because I felt I had to. I was able to nail my workouts for the most part though. I probably did 85% of them. I had a couple minor injuries that also forced me to back off a couple times during the OS. Turned out to be a good thing for me, I think. There were some times when I over-reached in workouts and others that I backed off the instensity. I feel like I'm pretty good at listening to my body.
I don't know what to think at this point. Maybe I've got some other things going on. I am considering going to get a physical.
2. Vdot from 38.9 to 41.6 (10K vdot)
3. Like Matt, the OS also felt long to me. Last 5 weeks were a bit messy. First 14 weeks probably 95% of the wkos. Week 14-20? Probably more like 60%. Physically and mentally a bit burned out. Was glad to hang onto the numbers that I did as wk 14 test was 285W and 43.9 (5k vDot). Weight wise I ended up about 2lbs down from start of OS - which is a bigger victory for me than the numbers...
After 1 week of transition, I'm starting to feel a bit of a mojo return...
I dropped out of the Nov OS and joined the Jan OS. I've had a lot of issues with consistency this year, but with a couple delays will get in probably 16 weeks of OS.
FTP: 187->221->225->240. I really felt the improvement from the FTP work and not the VO2 stuff. Maybe I haven't gotten to the ceiling yet.
W/Kg: 2.3 -> 3.1. I was able to drop around 18 lbs since the beginning of Nov.
Vdot: 43 (5k) ->44 (5k)->46 (5k treadmill)->46 (half marathon)
I had a great OS and am really looking forward to getting the season started.
Thanks for keeping me motivated everyone. For those of you doing LP, I'll see you there.
I extended out the OS by a week and repeated week 19, so I just finished up testing on Friday. Next weekend I have a half-marathon and am excited to see how my time improves over my previous HM's.
This is my first OS with EN, but my third season training in this EN style. Last year I hit a plateau, so joined up with EN. I also knew I would need more help getting ready for my first IM.
1. I’m happy with all my gains, especially in running. That has been weak link.
Previous PR
Start OS
End OS
Swim (1000m)
Bike FTP
Bike w/kg
2. I did almost all workouts, including all swim workouts. The only deviation I had was modifying the testing week to be a little less intense, including not doing the bricks after the bike tests. Did anyone do those?!?! I managed to do entire OS running outside, but had to swap 3 run workouts for xc skiing.
3. I’m definitely ready for the transition weeks, but I’m feeling energized for the summer racing season. Getting a little nervous about the upcoming training and how to fit it all in. I do most of my training in the morning, so will probably need to learn how to run after work if I can’t get it in during the lunch time.
Congrats to all NOV OSers!!! It's been great training with you, and hope to see you in some upcoming training and races!
Bike: First ever OS. It's hard for me to pinpoint how much progress I made, from beginning to end. Went on RPE for the first half of the OS and Watts for the second. I did see some improvement. And, I'm happy with what I got out of it. But, it was humbling. It was a starting point for me, a great blueprint. In the past, I usually morphed 3-4 plans together over the course of a year to get ready for a race. After this OS, I've already picked up on the fact that I'm that guy that, in the past, wasn't going hard enough on the hard sets or ez enough on the ez sets. And, though I thought differently at the time, I really appreciate the fact that I NEVER worked any recovery time in the week or between phases like this transition we're in now. I've learned alot from you guys in just 20 weeks. Physically, the OS was as tough as advertised. On every workout, I felt I was always 'chasing' the Big Watts Guys with my lil' watts, but the gap was never closed
Run: Again, not really sure where I stand. My original 5K test was way off, calibration. Each test got slower. One was on a track, accurate calibration. And another test was a sick/tired day. I know I'm running faster than in the past. I hit most of my intervals, using the Vdot from that first test. Higher intensity, but hope I wasn't training the 'wrong zone'. It did take me about 4 weeks to ease into the running workouts due to hammy/calf issues. Haven't EVER done this kind of intensity for running. First goal of every run workout was to get home without injury.
Lolights: got injured early in OS, my legs weren't ready for the running. got sick in Dec, flu, unrelated. inconsistent test results, as mentioned above.
highlights: Lot of work done but left SO MUCH MORE TIME AVAILABLE for LIFE! The Sweat Puddle in the Pain Cave expanded over the 20 weeks. I did intervals on the bike and on the run that I never would have attempted on my own. I had recovery days, new to me, so hopefully I absorbed the work. And the best was the accountability and support from da Haus and my fellow NOV OSers.
Bottom line....It was hard enough to wipe me out, I'm going back to sleep for another week.
FTP 228 Oct 1, 4 weeks Pre-OS, 235 Nov 1, Closing test 260
VDOT - I don't remember exactly, but my first test was right around 20:00, and I got down to 19:15 (52.1)
I was very consistent, I should say. I was lucky never to get terribly sick over the winter...a couple mild colds or whatever, but nothing that really set me back a week or anything. I think I completely missed exactly 1 day's workout. The other times I had issues, I could move a week around, just get the work part done, or (as noted below) took a workout easy instead of hard.
I found myself to take a short "intensity vacation" of 4-5 days (which was 3 "working days") sometime during the VO2 phase (maybe week 12-13? Can't remember for sure.). And I agree, the whole thing felt about 2 weeks too long for me, but maybe that was mental more than physical. The last three weeks, I found it much more difficult MENTALLY to push through those longer FTP intervals.
I had a vacation in the first 4-5 days of of week 20. I had moved my calendar around to make it work (only runs during that time), but that was a real mental shut-off for me. I came back and was able to put together a good bike test (5 W up from the previous), but I boogered my last run test - and it was completely mental. Fitness was there (VDOT unchanged from the week 14 test), but I'm sure the fitness would have been enough to get down below 19:00 i think if I weren't already mentally wanting the break.
In thinking about this some more, I wonder if Mancona's solution of putting a "transition week" after week 14 makes sense. I'm not sure, because that would still extend the total time to 21 weeks. I'm not sure if targeting 18 weeks instead of 20 would have been "perfect" either - do we leave something on the table? In any case, what I take from my first OS is that it's a hell of a lot of work. :-) And that it will make you faster. :-) And that a lot of the work is mental.
In any case, I'm enjoying the couple of easy weeks and have been getting in the pool. :-)
I am beginning week 20 of NOV OS tomorrow and testing next week.
OS start FTP = 255. Last test = 295 Final prob around 300 which will translate to about 330 outside or 4.1+ w/kg.....
OS vDot start = 48. Last test = 51.5 Final around 52.........
Second OS for me.
Great work all!
My ftp went from 174 on my first test to 213 on yesterdays test.
My Vdot went from 45 to 48 (final 2 5k test were the fastest I have ever run a 5k)
I lost 9 lbs W/Kg went from 2.1 to 2.7...wanted to get to 3.0, but I will continue to work on my weight and hopefully gain a few more watts
I missed 3 workouts due to a car accident
I feel great having done my 1st OS in the haus and am looking forward to the HIM plan. I have seen the plan and think it will kick may butt, and that is probably a good thing.
Being a first timer here, and last season being my first season of triathlons, I am very excited to see all the big numbers put up by those who have been doing this for a few more years than I have.
Good luck on all your races this season, I hope to meet as many of you as I can at the races and IMWI camp.
This was my first exposure to EN, power, and the outseason all in one fell swoop. First off I would like to say thank you to everyone in the group for the support and motivation through the winter. It truly was rewarding to be part of such a great group.
I chose to do the advanced plan and jumped in with enthusiasm. I hit 95% of the work outs the first 10 to 12 weeks and probably overachieved too much when I was feeling strong. By the end of the VO2 block I had burned myself out a bit mentally. I started only getting about 75% of the workout done in the third block and pretty much dropped out and started doing my own thing about week 17 or 18.
I entered the plan after a few months of scattered training due to injuries last year. My first bike test/first ride with power was 203. I worked my way up to a 270 FTP following the VO2 block. I started with a VDOT of 45, went as high as a 54 and ended up at 52
20 weeks is a long time to stay focused with that kind of intensity. Especially in the basement. It was a cold winter here and I never managed to get outside until early March. I like the idea of a rest week mixed in to the plan, perhaps after the VO2 block. I think this may have helped me to stay on track.
After leaving the outseason I have not been following any structured plan for the past 4 weeks. This past week I jumped into the 12 week half plan. It has been a little bit of a wake call to how fast you can lose your ftp number. During my only trainer ride this past week I was struggling to hold 30 watts less than a month ago. I have decided that I am going to try to keep the mid-week bike ride on the trainer to be able to consistently push the watts and be a little more efficient with time.
I am hoping to find a group as active and motivated as the Nov OS to continue the season with. Thanks again.
In Southern California, my short course season was still going on in October so November was a perfect time for me to start the OS. It is my first time using anyone else's training plans. In the past, I always cobbled together my own fairly detailed [OK, OK, full-on OCD detailed for 6 - 9 months] plan but with allowance for changing the plan in response to life events. Doing the EN thing was a drastic change for me that caused me to drop long-standing social rides.