Female trouble - reccos please.
OMG. I have the WORST yeast infection and it is making biking impossible. 10' into my ride today and it's undoable, even with a handful of chamois butter.
I've done a one day round of Canesten, but thinking i may need something stronger.
What's the collected wisdom? off the bike until it's gone?
should I buy new tri shorts - I wash them after each go - am I re-infecting myself?
I am so mad. and upset. I HATE missing workouts.
Was all shorts after any time in them. Get out of wet workout clothes immediately and take a shower right away. Don't just put on dry clean clothes.
Are you or have you taken antibiotics recently? That can make a person prone to yeast infections.
If it were me I would go to the doctor if it does not get better in a few days.
Good luck.
I hope by now you are feeling better. Here is what we used to presecribe for standard cases, monistat vagina suppository course, and an external cream to the outer area, make sure you get in it the labial folds, add acidophilus to your diet, cut back on sugar and make sure your partner is treated as he could be re-infecting you. As for the shorts, turn them inside out to dry if you can not wash them right away and wash in hot water. Shower, don't take baths, even though it feels better to soak the area. If you do want to take a bath, don't use bubble bath or other such products and don't soak for long.
Another note, if you use condoms, the suppository oils can weaken them, so you might consider another form until your clear.
If it doesn't clear up, see your MD, you might have trich or something else.
Sorry I'm late to the party on this one. I've found if I don't get out of wet workout clothes ASAP, I end up with yeast infections. Hope it is all better!
okay, i took an entire week off. really difficult. about to get on the bike. update in 75 mins!
no worries on the bike - thanks everyone!