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Adjusting running pace zones for WKO

How are you guys entering the pace zones into WKO? 

Now that I am getting enough of my training volume in WKO, I would like to be able to look back at the time spent in zones.

Are you guys using the autocalculated zones (Friel or Cutting edge runners) based on your 1 mile threshold pace from testing?

Or are you entering manually from the EN data tool?



  • I manually enter based on the EN Data Tool Zones.
  • So you use the listed paces as the upper(fast) limit for those zones?
  • @ David - yes that is what I do. So for example, my HMP is 7:04, my TP is 6:56 and my I-pace is 6:24. So I define my z3 to be 7:04-6:57 and my z4 to be 6:56-6:23. I have no idea if this is "correct", but it makes sense to me that if you are looking at accumulated training time in each zone, that would be a good way to define the zones. I suppose another way would be to take the target pace plus/minus some number of seconds to define the zone "around" that target...but that would leave big gaps between some zones, and since my HMP and z4 are so close, I just used the target pace as the "slowest pace to run and still be in the right zone".
  • x2 what Matt said. I must admit that I tend to stay close to the Data Tool number rather than the "lower" end of the zone.
  • @David, I do just a little different....I get the Data Tool paces but put some time faster and slower as the "zone." For example, my TP is 8:02, so for WKO purposes and especially graphing purposes, I enter my TP Zone as 7:55-8:07. I round down the the next 5 second pace and then add 5 seconds to my TP. As one gets faster though,I realize these zones get closer together so that might not work for most, but it works for me right now. I have also created the same type of zones for EasyAero (EP), MAero, HAero, MRP, HMP, TP and IP by customizing each one in WKO. Anything that doesn't contain one of these zones is a "gray" zone, in my WKO.
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