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Race Rehearsal run pacing ??

 The RR guidance suggests that the first 3 miles of the run should be at Long Run Pace + 30 seconds, and then the last 3 miles should be at Race Pace, which is Marathon Pace for a HIM. This means I would run the first 3 miles at 9:19/mile pace and then the second 3 miles at 7:30/mile pace. This seems like a crazy discrepancy between first and second half of the run. Is that correct? What kind of feedback is this supposed to tell me? 


  • John,
    Do LRP for first 3 mi then race pace. What you read applies to IM RR's.
  • Actually, the HIM wiki states LRP + 30". It's the whole, get yourself into it, you have 13 miles to go, take the first three easy, step it up for the next 7 running at MP, and then leave it all out on the course for the last 3. Don't worry, it sounds like you're losing time, but you are actually setting yourself up for a really strong finish (one that does not include any walking).

    The reason for the RR that you're only doing 6, is that if you can do 3 at LRP=30 and 3 at MP, you'll be able to continue on and do the remaining 7 at least at MP on race day. Don't need to do a whole half-marathon after that long bike to prove you can do it. You will be able to, you have the run fitness built up from your long runs during the week. You want to get into the feel of the brick, without all the recovery time and potential for injury by running the whole half.
  • awesome. Thanks for the advice. I think it does say LRP+30" in the Wiki but I will just run LRP during the RR.
  • Is there a reason why in the RR you will run at LRP + 30" for 3 miles then MP for 3, when in the actual race guidance the pace is MP + 30" for 3 miles and then MP for 7?

  •  Tucker- That was my question. The RR guidance in the Wiki says LRP+30" but the actual race guidance says MP+30". I went with the MP+30" and it was very instructive. The LRP+30" would have told me nothing since I can run all day at that pace. 

  • I've told Patrick about this thread so he'll weigh in shortly.

  •  Thansk Rich. And I realized that I meant to say the guidance is in the Training Plan, no the Wiki.

  • The official HIM pacing is in the wiki, here:

    Run Splits Guidance is to work around your determined Marathon Pace (MP) from the Data Tool:
    First 3 miles at MP + 30" per mile.
    Middle 7 miles at MP.
    Last 3+ miles at Best Effort.

    Where is the workout so I can fix it? What plan, week, etc., thanks!

  • Thanks Patrick. That is what I figured.

    In the 12-week Intermediate HIM plan, the Race Rehearsals on Weeks 6 and 10 call for the Run pacing of LRP + 30" for the first 3 miles.
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