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Team Update: Wednesday, March 30th


This Weekend:

  • IMTX Rally: Coach Patrick will be leading a training weekend on the IMTX course for nearly 100 TeamEN members and fans. Follow TeamEN on Twitter for updates and look for Patrick to publish the audio from his talks next week.
  • California 70.3: Coach Rich will be in Oceanside to support the team on the run course. Racing or in town to cheer/spectate? Join Rich and the rest of the ENCrew at the Breakwater Brewery. Rich will be there from about 1-3pm. Racing Cali and want to stay in the loop of all team stuff? Contact John Stark to be added to the “Cali 70.3 Beluga Pod,” a cool little tool we are trying out to help us better coordinate race weekends via text messages.

TeamEN Wants Your Referrals

As you know, TeamEN membership is closed. We have started a waiting list and will issue invitations to the waiting list to join the team, as space becomes available. Membership for these people will be $129/mo. However, it’s likely that you know someone who would be a great fit for the team. If so, please have them use this double top secret squirrel backdoor link to create a 5-day trial membership. Their membership rate at the end of this trial, if they decide to stay, will be $99/mo, saving them over $360 per year.

EN Support is Now Done Through ZenDesk

We’ve decided that the EN Admin Forum wasn’t the best tool for us to use to provide you with the support you need, so we have fired up “ZenDesk.”  Have admin issues and need us to fix them? Email support@endurancenation.us. View our help desk and answers as they grow here. Please keep in mind that this tool is for admin support issues only, not a place for you to ask us training questions. Please continue to use the Macro and Micro Threads for those, as well as the other forums.

Update on Bringing Short Course Plans into the Training Plan Platform

RnP have on their codeweenie pointy hats, busy coding the workouts to get them inside the Haus so you can load them up into your training plan accounts. We expect to be finished next week, April 8th by the latest.

Race Shirts

Thanks for your early season order! Shirts should be done by 4/1, and will be shipped shortly thereafter.

Race Survey

tell us your race schedule so we can plan our efforts to support the team at the races.

Season Planning

Finished with your OutSeason and/or want Rich to map out the rest of your season for you?
Take this survey and Rich will get it done for you in a few days.

New Content:
Thanks and have a great weekend!



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