Helmet Recommendations
My current helmet is about 3 years old, probably way past replacement time. There are some crazy expensive helmets out there. I'm looking for a reasonably priced decent helmet. I commute by bike daily on a little clunker bike. I'm trying to go middle of the road so that it will be appropriate for both the clunker commuter and the nice tri bike. Of note, I have a VERY small head. I always have trouble getting hats that fit etc.
Any suggestions?
Then a Bell Volt for training.
Personally I wouldn't use one helmet for both purposes, since the commuting time would just sweat up the pads on the Volt more than it would need to.
Carly- I have a very small head too. I bought a Bell Volt last year, yeah it wasn't cheap, but it fits my head comfortably and doesn't look too big sitting ontop my head.
Thanks for that Mike!
Each item is up for a brief period, only. One item at a time.