Helmet with no CPSC sticker...am I screwed?
I have a relatively common aero helmet (Giro Advantage 2) that is well know to meet the U.S. CPSC safety standard. However, I bought it in Europe and it has no CPSC sticker in it. Ironman Wisconsin will be my only race in the U.S. this year. Questions:
1) Will they check for the sticker?
2) If I have an older helmet with the sticker, will removing it and placing it in my Giro be a rules violation?
Umm, I think I know the answers to my questions, but what would you do in my situation?
I have a similar, but converse question for you. I'm racing IM Regensburg this summer and bringing a Rudy Project helmet that is EN/CPSC certified. Will that be OK in Germany? I raced in Holland in 2008 and I don't recall them checking my helmet then (I had a Louis Garneau).
I'd move the sticker. Or you could email the RD and tell them you're coming from Europe with a European version of the helmet and that sticker isn't used. It's on the approved list anyway.
At Ironman Wisconsin, your helmet will be in a bag the night before.....officials do not check your bags.
I've never had officials check stuff at IM....I would bring a backup helmet just in case though.